"Tickles!!" (Fluff) Gonta Gokuhara X Playful! Reader

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[Hi so my stories are flopping TREMENDOUSLY so I guess I'll just write whatever the fuck I want until someone actually sees this lmao]
You were sleeping soundly tonight, which was generally a rare occurrence. Most nights you were tossing and turning and basically doing everything to fall asleep. That was, however, back when you were single. It seemed like overnight you fell into a relationship with the adorable little bug boy, and he honestly didn't strike you as the type to confess but he did so anyways. And since then you've basically been with him for the past week. Not that it's a bad thing, because you absolutely adored him! To be honest, he's not the brightest crayon in the box, but it's also very endearing because he tries his best!

Anyways since you've been sleeping in the same bed together, it's suddenly been a lot easier to fall asleep.

You assumed that it must've been the feeling of protection every time you slept with him, he was just so comforting! The safety and security helped you fall asleep faster, or maybe it was how he kept you warm every night in his big strong arms. It could be a combination of both. Well the only reason we're even thinking about how you could fall sleep so fast, is because you woke up early in his arms. You both cuddled before eventually falling asleep and by God you are not getting out any time soon. He was still asleep while you were just lying awake, trying to think of ways you could wake him up. Then suddenly you had an evil idea.

Because you were sort of lying on top of him, you weren't able to move your arms very much, but it just so happened that your right arm was free and currently lying on his chest. You lifted your hand and placed it under his arm and began trying to tickle him! You would tickle him awake! You weren't sure if it would work, but good news it did! His eyes were still closed, but you saw his mouth slowly form into a smile and he started to giggle. You chuckled at your plan and continued on before he began to laugh now. Plan succeeded. You were free from his grasp and now you started laughing too because of how adorable his reaction was. "Heheh what was that?" Gonta said after starting to catch his breath. "I tickled you!" You proudly stated. He looked confused and cocked his head "T-tickled..?" You suddenly realized that he probably didn't understand what you meant. "Y-you know like, me making you laugh like that. I tickled you awake!" You went to demonstrate your action by tickling under his arm, once more. He began laughing again and then he decided that he would try it on you. He reach out his arm and tickled under yours. You started laughing and said "Hey stop that!" Playfully, before Gonta hesitated, thinking he was actually hurting you. You took this opportunity to tickle him again. This time making him fall over while still on the bed. Gonta realized you trick before pushing you off and proceeding to tickle you once more! Basically the whole morning you guys had a big tickle fight. Not quite sure when it ended, but it sure felt like forever! God, you loved that man.
[yayyy we love a good wholesome ending uwu, I got my first ever request so I better not screw it up by leaving them hanging. I'll be sure to get that one out!]

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