"Relax, I'm here now.." Ryoma Hoshi X Stressed! Reader

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Requested by: @beth_karma2
Henlo Henlo,, pls enjoy ily u all 🥺💓💓 btw Ryoma is babey
[y/n]=Your Name
[y/t]=Your Talent
[f/d/m]=Favorite Disney Movie
Right when you got home from school, you immediately sat yourself down and you started studying. This upcoming test was about to be hell and you knew it. It was the ONE class that you didn't do well in, every other class was easy! But this one? No, of course not.
(A/n: pretend it's ur least favorite class,, sorry if ur a straight A student)

You knew that if you didn't *at least* get a C in this class you were doomed. You had to pass this class. But holy freaking hell was studying hard. Nothing made any sense to you! What were you supposed to do?? If you don't pass this class you'll never get to graduate and show everyone that you're the Ultimate [y/t]!! And what if-

*knock* *knock*

Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a gentle knocking at your door. Who could be here now?? Ugh, it's probably Taka coming over to scold you for breaking a rule or something. You swiftly got up and went to open your door, only to be greeted by.. Ryoma. Oh no, you were in such a huge rush to get home you didn't even have time to say goodbye to your own boyfriend!

"S-sorry! I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to you today, I was busy-"
"You don't have to explain yourself."

His smooth voice suddenly calmed you down a little, it was like magic or something..
"I came to check up on you after you seemed to be in a huge rush to get home. One of your friends said that you stressed about an upcoming test or something.."

He was right, but who could've spilled your secret?? It was probably Kokichi, but you still felt super guilty about not being able to say goodbye to him. Totally a bad example of how you are in a relationship. Dammit! You should probably apologize again.

"Yeah, I guess I am a little stressed.. I know we've only been dating for a week, I'm sorry about setting such a bad example! I'm normally not like this, I promise I'll-"
"You can cool your jets, I understand that it's hard with all the classes and tests. You don't have to feel bad about something so silly."

You mentally facepalmed, why were you so worried he'd be upset that you didn't do something as simple as saying goodbye. Besides he might be worried for you, you *were* in a hurry after all.

"Um.. well I guess I better get back to studying,"
You were about to close the door on him before he stopped you.

"No, I can clearly tell that your stressed. And studying any further is only going to give you an even bigger headache."

You were taken aback by what he said! You knew he cared about you, but this test was serious; IT WAS THE FINAL. "But Ryoma, this is my final test of the year. I have to study, I don't wanna fail!" You explained to him. He only shook his head. After a couple more minutes of arguing, you eventually let him in.

He insisted on helping you calm down before you studied. Apparently that would make the whole test thing much easier and less stressful. He sat you down on the couch and turned on Disney+. "Ryoma, play [f/d/m]!! That's my favorite!!" You exclaimed. He nodded and put it on for you, but he wasn't done there. He went into the kitchen for a few seconds before coming back with a warm cup of tea for you.

"Careful it may be a little hot," he told you. You nodded and took a sip anyways before promptly burnt your tongue. He sat next to you and you both cuddled while watching the movie. You were actually at ease and you didn't feel so tense anymore. You didn't realize it, but Ryoma was actually the sweetest boyfriend you ever had!

"Hey Ryoma.." "Hm..?" "T-thank you for doing this for me.." You shyly thanked him, he smiled in return. "Don't mention it, as long as you're okay that's all that matters to me," He kissed the top of your forehead. Maybe today wasn't so bad after all..
That's it!! Hoped you liked it, sorry for not updating getting requests is harder than I thought :((
But anyways gtg now BYEEE 💓💓💓

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