Chapter Seven

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06. Confessions Of A Lover

Merlin was smiling at her as he came down from his bed chambers, "This is a momentous occasion," Merlin says smiling at his sister who smiled at her brother, "I mean can you believe that Arthur is finally becoming King?"

"Yes, he was born to be King Merlin," Magdelena says smiling at him, "It was going to happen one day or another."

"Come on you two we will be late if you stand her chatting all morning," Gaius says nodding his head toward the door, the two siblings link arms following Gaius out the door toward the great hall where the ceremony was taking place, Magdelena now that who she served was dead was ordered to help them set it up, she was planning on ending that soon so she could join Gaius as his apprentice.

Taking the spots in the back near the wall the main floor was only for nobles and knights, meaning that the three of them were to stand for the duration of the coronation, "I always forget how many nobles Camelot has until they are summoned from under their rocks," Magdelena whispers to Merlin who smiles covering his mouth to hide his laughter.

"Hush you two," Gaius says with a warning glare at his two wards who just send him cheeky smiles making him smile at them but shake his head turning his smile into a frown.

Arthur entered the room, everyone bowed as he walked to the throne where Geoffery stood waiting for him, the crown in his hands. Arthur kneels before the man as everyone watches in anticipation, "Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Peoples of Camelot according to their respective laws and customs?"

"I solemnly swear so to do."

"Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgments?"

"I will."

"Then by the sacred laws vested in me, I crown you Arthur, King of Camelot!" Geoffrey places the crown on Arthur, who slowly stands turning to look at the crowd who burst into a chant.

"Long live the King!" they continue to chant Megdelena among them as she smiles up at the Prince she had watched change into the King she was now staring at. She was sure many others felt the same as she did, Merlin, Gaius, the Knights of the Round Table, she was certain the entire crowd was excited but none knew what was happening, the moment in history which would write their future.

Naturally, there was a feast prepared for that evening which everyone was invited to join in the festivities. Magdelena for once was looking forward to this celebration, she planned to sit with the knights and drink herself into a fake drunk.

You could feel as night drew closer the excitement for the feast growing, Magdelena no longer a servant in the palace smiled as she helped Gaius making some potions that needed restocking, "Tomorrow you can go gather some herbs from the forest," Gaius says while she nods her head busy focusing on the liquid she was currently heating, "Once you finish that best get ready for the feast."

"I am ready for the feast," she says furrowing her eyebrows as Gaius looks down at her normal blue dress with a white apron over it that she had worn since day one, "What is wrong with my dress?"

"You will never catch someone's attention dressed like a servant," Gaius says making her even more confused by his words, "Just put on a nice dress will you."

"I was just planning on sitting with the knights and drinking all night," she says staring at him very confused, "Do you know something that I don't know?"

"Can you please just-" Gaius is cut off as Merlin enters carrying a package shocking them both Merlin walks and puts it on Magdelena's bed confusing her more then Gaius had, "Merlin what are you doing?"

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