Lake Day

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"Cori, I'll tie your shoes in the car." I push along my four year old and pick up her brother to calm him down.

"Mommy, why?" Coriane looks up at me.

"Why what?"

"Why won't you tie my shoes now?"

I sigh. "I don't have time. Now go get in the car if you want to see Clara."

This brightens her up, mentioning her older cousin who she loves so much. "Okay!" She runs out the door and climbs into the car.

"Cal! Babe, we're going!" I call into the garage as I lock the front door. He's been working on his cycle all morning, and I can only hope he's got a clean shirt.

He meets me by the car and I give him a quick kiss on the cheek, handing him Shade in the process.

Cal buckles in the kids and slides into the drivers seat, no need for chauffeurs since he gave up being King.

"Did you remind Julian to grab another blanket?" I ask with a nudge on Cal's arm. I feel his muscles through his tee shirt and smile to myself.

"Yes, I did." He takes a hand of the wheel and lays it on my thigh, exposed due to the heat outside.

I should tell him that it's hot enough without his hand, but I don't. I would burn for him.

Shade starts singing some random song the kids made up last week, and I make eye contact with my husband.

He grins, and it's perfect.


Sara helps Mareena put on her water shoes, just in case she wants to play in the lake, while I finish packing our bag.

"Honey, can you go walk with Daddy to the car?" She speaks quietly, bringing a smile to my face.

"Daddy drive today?"

Sara nods and pats Mareena on her way.

I carry the bag and hold her hand while we walk, putting the bag beside her car seat and buckling her in.

"Reena, what's today?" I ask her.

"It's Saturday!" She exclaims.

My heart beams. She's so smart. "Yes, but what's happening today?"

"Picnic day!" She swings her feet excitedly, and I fix her flower bows, making her little pigtails look higher.

Sara slides into the passenger seat and smiles back at us, so I take that as a signal to go. Reena is fine as long as she doesn't have to sit still for too long.

"Okay, sweetie. Let's go to our picnic."


"Clara, brush your hair."

"I don't want to."

I sigh, turning from where I'm going over a few more reports. "We have exactly seven minutes before we leave, sweetie. Brush your hair."

"Can't Aunt Cameron braid my hair?" She pleads. Clara has always had an aversion to brushing, even though I have no clue why.

"She'll braid it if you brush it."

"I don't want to brush it. It's too much to brush."

I close my reports and stand from my desk. "Then we'll cut it shorter."

"But it's at my shoulders! You said I could have it long!"

"If it's long you have to take care of it, Clara."

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