Chapter 5

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A loud bang was heard from downstairs. Both of the skeletons ,that were once laying in bed, are now at their feet frightened. The sound of Fell's brother was heard. The same screaming voice Fell grew up once loving now to fear. But there was another voice. A human. Fell sighed in relief. 'Boss probably won't bother me because he'll be too busy making puzzles and spaghetti for the human.' On the other hand. Classic is back in a ball sobbing in fear.

Fell slowly kneeled down to sans and grabbed Classic's hand away from his face and held it in his hand. Classic looked up at Fell but noticed a smile that ment everything is really ok. It was a promising look too. Classic slowly unwrapped himself but suddenly jumped on Fell grasping him in a tight one-handes hug. Fell didn't really seem surprised, in that fact they were still holding hands. It didn't seem to bother either of them.

'Classic had called down a lot really fast.' By a lot he means asleep calmly in his lap. Fell was sitting against a wall as Classics head was resting in his lap. Fell slowly started rubbing classics hand, in which he's still holding, just to make sure that classic still feels safe. Fell did notice that Paps had left awhile ago meaning he's probably stalking the human. "Or... No! Don't think of anything else just boss and the kid doin' puzzles! Yeah that's it" Fell had accidently said that out loud. Classic ignored it but it was itching him. The fact that they both cared about their own brother. But this time it was always "boss". Classic didn't appreciate that part. 'Is that what's bothering him? That his papyrus is much different and life threatening? That this world isn't safe?' Question after question kept popping up in his head. It really did not her him.

Later on, Classic somehow ended up on the bed again. He looked around noticing that there was no one else in the room. He got up and walked to the door and cracked it open to peak out a little. Fell was laying on the couch drinking his daily mustard. Classic thought of a mean thing to do. Scaring Fell. He quietly left the room by making an unoticible teleport to the side of the couch where Fell's head was resting. But instead of scaring Fell, Classic reached over and stole his mustard. Yup, that pissed someone off. In an instant Classic was tackled. He had no time to escape what he had did. "So, your stealing my mustard now eh? Not a very smart idea for someone who gets scared easily." Classic stared into Fell's eyes and grinned. "Yeah so what. I may get scared easily but I'm also on the bottom." Fell quickly got off ,snatching the mustard back, noticing what he ment with his face as red as bright red could be.

That's when Classic quickly made his first move.

Classic had tackled Fell this time leaving him utterly terrified. "So, who's scared now huh?" Classic got back at him. "Who said I was scared?" Fell quickly said. "Your face and also the way you responded." Fell couldn't deny anything as Classic was right. They both truly have gotten closer. Even if they didn't notice it. They became close fast due to how much they were alike but also very different.

Classic was about to get up until Fell had wrapped his arms around his waist and pulling him back down to where his face was now on Fell's shoulder. "You know, there's nothing wrong with being on the bottom." Fell whispered to Classic. His face was brightened into a bright light blue color. Fell snickerd knowing he got back at him for what he caused.

They seem really happy together. But the world outside of that house was true hell waiting for frail prey to step on their territory. Fell was never gonna let that happen to Classic. Not in the slightest. He felt happy for once. He was much more calm when Classic talked to him. He felt finally relaxed. Only parts about his brother was still bothering him but at some points he just let's them go. He knows that is dangerous to do but he loved it. As long as he had someone precious to him, he would protect them no matter what. Yes, he would still protect his brother. He was still important too. But he didn't know who to choose. Classic, who always makes him feel more relaxed and happy. Or Papyrus, his own brother that would make him live in fear and pain. The one that would beat his ass if he did one little thing wrong.

Who should he choose to protect more? His own brother or the random skeleton, that looks just like him but slightly different, that came out of no where.

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