Chapter 6

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     Fell groaned as his skull started to hurt. He had been thinking all night about the choice he had to do. He slowly tried to get up off the floor but felt pressure put him back on the floor. He looked down at his stomach and noticed the blue skeleton that smelled of ketchup. He had forgotten he had falled asleep on the floor. Then he realised something. Fell quickly, but carefully, shoved classic off and put him on the couch. 'Boss'.

     He was afraid that boss had seen the other him. But he did wonder why he wouldn't have taken him to Undyne or Alphys. That's when he started to freak out. He knew something was up. He didn't know where the kid was because they had disappeared. Or so he thought. He thought about how they haven't showed up at the underground yet. Until he noticed that, that was why boss was out. 'He was with the kid' Fell thought.

     He's been mostly with Classic a lot. He's been trying to protect Classic this whole entire time he has yet to worry about his brother. He was really worried. He quickly have rain at the house, running everywhere until he found something. It was dust and a scarf. Not only was it a scarf, but it was Papyrus's scarf. He quickly ran to the scarf and picked it up. He noticed there was only a little bit of dust. This means he had wondered off somewhere trying to get away. There was a trail of dust leading into the forest. Fell quickly ran after the dust looking for his brother, even if his brother was kind of deadly, he did still care.
     Fell had those two choices stuck in his head. He quickly thought as he knew his brother meant a lot to him. He did grow up with him after all. Classic knew nothing about his life. He was afraid to tell him anything. This meant his brother meant a lot more to him but if he were to disappear, he would have to stay with Classic because he is the second most important monster in the Underground. He truly doesn't really know much about him, but he really wants to help him. He hates seeing him scared, or even sad and depressed. Fell was never about feelings, but this really got to him. He quickly ran through the woods looking for his own brother. the scarf waved in the cold wind as he ran.

     He slowed to a stop as he knew what he cared for.

A new ending.

     He quickly turned around and ran back home. he quickly open the door and slammed it startling Classic from his nap. Fell was in tears. Classic quickly got up and wrapped his arms around Fell. The tears came out more and more as Classic held him. Fell felt really bad. He knew he couldn't save his brother. But at the same time he betrayed his brother for a weak monster. No. A stronger monster. He was stronger than boss. He had to be! That should tell himself that there was a true reason why he chose Classic over his brother.

     Classic rocked him gently to hopefully calm Fell down. "What's wrong Fell?" Sans asked worried out of his mind. Fell slowly peaked out and looked at Classic. "You should know... after all we are the same." Fell said almost letting out another wave of tears. Classic looked away knowing what he meant. He's been through it many times that he's gotten use to it. "What's the surface like?" Fell asked. Classic was shocked by the question. It was true that they really never was able to enjoy the surface. The kid would reset before that would happen. They were scared that the monsters would end up ending humanity.

     "Its beautiful! The stars are so awesome! They are so much better than the fake ones we have down here. Someday I hope I can show you! The sunset looks so beau-" Classic was inturupted by Fell. "I bet none of that is as beautiful as what I see in front of me." Classic blushed a bright blue and looked away to hide his face. Quickly grabbing his hoodie and pulling it over his head to hide it even better.

     Fell felt so much better now. His only family member had disappeared but he knew his family was right there. He loved the skeleton. He had to admit that. He would never want anything to hurt what belongs to him. Not even a soul should get close to him.

Fell managed to pull down Classic's hoodie showing his face. Classic wasn't blushing that much until he looked at me again. I grinned knowing that this is what I wanted. Something happy in is life for once. Those depressing days won't hold him back anymore. His light apeard. The darkness that was once there now gone. Fell was now more open and more forgiving than he ever was. Classic laughed and slowly cuddled up to Fell. They were happy. The only problem was is the kid. Usually she doesn't do anything bad but this time changed. That didn't matter right now. Right now, he had the best thing that happened to him right in his own arms. He picked up Classic bridal style and sat on the couch, leaning his back on the couch arm and propping his feet up on the couch. As for classic, he was laying on the inside, one arm on Fell's chest and one wrapped around his back. Classics legs were also wrapped around Fell's legs. They were happy! Fell had turned on the t.v. and all they did was watch the only channel they had. 'Nope' Fell thought as he turned the t.v. back off. So instead. They both took a nap. Fell truly needed it. But Classic? Well, he could sleep for days if he had the chance. They both rested easily as they cuddled on the small couch.

(Should I make another book?
Something like an x reader type story? I'll keep writing on this one but I just seem so facisnated on x reader type books. Please comment something I should write and I will see if I can do it!)

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