Chapter 10

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Classic had went to grillbys to get mustard. Now by then Grillby knows that he hates mustard and he only drinks ketchup. So this is gonna be very interesting for Classic. All the monsters sure looked at him funny for this but hey, it was worth it. As soon as he walked in the door to his house, he saw a very tired Fell sitting on the stairs with his elbows on his knees and his palms letting him rest his head on them.

Classic laughed quietly and sat beside Fell, putting an arm around him so he wouldn't fall over asleep. Classic reached into his jacket pocket and brought out the mustard. Fell's eyes went wide and quickly snatching the mustard away. Fell had mumbled 'thank you' and went to drinking the mustard. Classic also decided to drink his ketchup. They both stared at their brothers, not wanting to wake them up, and quietly crept up the stairs and into Classic's room.

Fell passed right out as soon as he hit the bed so classic had to make room. Instead, he layed down on the floor trying to get comfy. Using his jacket as a pillow, he wrapped himself around it and had passed out.

The loud monsters woke Fell up easily but not Classic. Fell looked around the dimly lit room looking for Classic. He looked at the floor and slowly getting mad at himself for hogging the whole bed. 'He gave me mustard and yet I let him do this?' Fell's thoughts got the best of him so, he picked him of the ground and carefully placed him on the bed. He wandered out the room to check out the loud noises as they are, of course, the only other two here. Fell stayed upstairs looking down to see what they were doing as the two started walking towards the door talking about royal guard, spaghetti, and Undyne. 'Seems 'bout right' He mentally said and walked back to the room.

Classic had done reposition himself to being cuddled up more to the jacket pillow uncovering him more and more. Fell sighed and took off his jacket placing it on Classic, hoping that it won't slide off of him.

Fell was worried. He didn't know what was gonna happen next. They need to get back home soon before anyone really does get suspicious. Hope boss makes an excuse for us being absent for all this. He might do it just because he seems to be enjoying it with Classic's bro.

His mind slowly starts trailing off to Classic. He really likes him but, he was afraid what he thought. Can't just go blurt it out it just seems awkward and weird. That could also ruin the trust for sure. His face slowly started turning red thinking more and more about him.

"Could ya get any redder than that?" Classic's voice braking the quietness. This almost made all of Fell's skull turn red. Classic chuckled at the result and stood up to stretch. "I'm gonna get some ketchup. Be right back," Classic said walking out his bedroom door. Fell turned and huffed in relief to try to calm his skull. He was caught off guard for sure and really needed this small amount of time to chill.

Classic had walked back up the stairs and tossed a bottle of mustard to Fell. He knew he wanted it so he decided to grab it. Even though Fell didn't say anything, he still needed it. Classics sat down beside him and started chugging his ketchup to half.

Fell was silent. His mind going back and forth between home and Classic. Well, and an actual happy brother. It was so much better here that it blew his mind for some odd reason. It made him happy. Why couldn't life be this much easier instead of fearing each other. The only problem here is the kid.

Classic nudged Fell, in result, making him fall over shook. He forgot about the real world for a good minute. Classic chuckled from the action. "So, what's the plan for today?" He asked looking at the still startled skeleton. Fell's eyelights looked at Classic and semi shrugged. He lifted himself back up and played with his gold tooth. He sure didn't look forward to anything, only something to distract him from his thoughts.

Classic sighed. "We gotta do something. I can't just sit around expecting to have done something. What about back to waterfall?" Fell looked back at the skeleton and said a low sure while getting up. This should help him a little bit. Maybe his mind would settle on the beautiful place and listen to the water. It's peaceful and not too quiet.

Classic placed his hand on Fell's shoulder taking a 'shortcut' to waterfall. Settling beside the little river of water, Classic slid his slipper and socks off and placed his feet into the water. Fell slowly walked up and crouched beside Classic. He looked up at Fell expecting him to do the same. "You think I'm gonna take off my shoes and socks for this?" Classic nodded and slightly grinned. "Well I ain't gonna," Fell huffed about to sit down until a light shove pushed him into the water. Glad he left his jacket on Classics bed because it sure would have been soaked.

Fell groaned in annoyance from the sudden action. Classic laughed. He didn't think that would work. Fell chuckled as he put half his head under the water only showing is eye sockets. Classic's sockets went wide, quickly taking off his jacket knowing what was about to happen as he slowly scooted himself away from the edge. He didn't get his foot out of the water in time, helping Fell slide him into the water. He hoped back on the edge staring at the annoyed, now soaked, skeleton. Fell laughed. "Now who's laughin' at who?" He said amused.

Classic sighed and relaxed against the edge, not bothering to get out. He then layed his head back and looked up at Fell. He was wondering if Fell was gonna leave him to go back to his home. He can't just keep him here. Well, he could but that would then be called kidnapping, unless he goes with it. He closed his eyes and breathed. He was relaxed.

Fell looked down at Classic, having the urge to touch him. He slowly brought his hand to the relaxed skeleton and rubbed his skull. Automatically, Classic leaned more onto the hand melting at the touch. This nearly put him to sleep but he would once in awhile open his eye then close it. This was a great plan for Fell. This helped keep his mind off of his ideas. Having a little bit of fun isn't that bad once in awhile.

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