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[ A/n: Happy reading! ]

TW: Mature Language, Sexual Intercourse & Semi-Detailed Sex

[ Jackie ]

We used to be great friends. You coming to my library for fashion history modules and me sitting by you, guiding you in the arts. Until you thought higher of yourself when you began wooing the girl I've been loving since we met. You knew it hurt me. You knew. But you still did it. It ground me down, crushed me to a million pieces. I've tried to make myself think I was the wrong one.

The moment where she finally saw me for who I was. I was determined to make her kneel for me. But I can't help feeling wicked for afflicting the same stigma to you as you did to me. Just know; I love her as much as you do.


Gigi swiveled her eyes in irritation, sipping on her beer savoring the euphoric taste; wishing she would just get drunk already so she doesn't have to face her. The rest of the women welcomed Jackie with happily open arms. Bear hugs and butterfly kisses on the cheek. Crystal and Jackie strategically doing some sort of hand salutation. Indeed knowing each other for a long time as it shows in their synchronized movements.

"Jack the Page Ripper Stripper!", Daya cheered from her side. Raising her empty bottle as a greeting. Jan immediately hopped off the haystack from beside Gigi and giggly pouncing on Jackie; giving her the biggest bear hug in existence.

"Just Jan!!!", Jackie snickered as she held Jan in her arms. Gigi deciding on to ignore the whole schmaltzy reunion. Looking the other way to avert her gaze from the brunette she despised. This was the last thing she needed, she thought. Chugging down on her alcohol.

"You know her??", Crystal asked Jan, the blonde and Jackie's arms linked to each other.

"Of course! We go way back to college. And so does she.", Jan explained nonchalantly. Gesturing to Gigi. Beaming with joy as to see her old college dormitory roommate.

"Gigi! Come say hi!", Jan proceeded with. Gigi caught off guard by the statement.

"Oh hi, Georgina! Didn't quite see you there-in the absolute darkness?", Jackie spoke in a sheepish tone. Gigi rolling her eyes at the fallacy of her earnestness and sincerity.

"Enchanted. Jacqueline.", Gigi flashed a deathly gaze at Jackie. Making the brunette break a sweat out of fear.

Crystal and the rest of the women felt the tension. All of them uneasy with the aura the two brunettes emitted. Ultimately shattering the stone-cold hard ice with mere few words;

"ANYWAY LET'S GET DRUNK.", Jan brightened the tone of the gathering. The rest of the women cheered along. Huddling around the bonfire, resting on the ground the fur carpet serving as a plausible surface.

The night went on, raving, boozing beer, Jackie and Crystal entertaining the other women with jokes that made even Gigi howl. Jan making irrational puns of her name; yet believing her slender brunette was already intoxicated and in a haze just from looking at her pale complexion. Gigi was an uncontrollable mess of a drunk. Making the rest of the women wonder how Nicky could put up with her drunk state.

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