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[A/n: Happy reading!]

TW: Mature Language


[ At times. I wish she saw more in me. I wish I was lucky enough to be loved by her. I wish I was a genie and could manipulate my own fantasies and desires.

I wish I was lucky as the Scandinavian clover she fell in love with.]

°°- One Of Heart -°°

It had been a while since Nicky had her public occurrence. The Paris transmission outlets have been in broad buzz, solely about her. As a conclusion, the chatters rendered their direction to New York City, as well. The myths dispersed like wildfire on the sun. Blazing with numerous whispers but no indication to avail clearance.

Tales such as; the blonde had been diagnosed with a rare genitalia ailment (due to her bleeding) but was too ashamed to verify the public. Another existing Nicky had suffered a stroke during the exhibition but would be later ruled out by medical professionals as she was rather fit and youthful. In addition, the cheapest hearsay; that she had laid it all up for a stunt. Which later perplexed the populace as Nicky did not express any reason to fabricate her way into the limelight. She was formerly as indelible and up to date, she had no valid intention to commit such actions, therefore the gossip expired down.

Gigi comprehended the sayings from none other than Lux; one of Crystal's earlier told best mates.

As she had possessed a radio station that concentrated on celebrity reports, for own purposes of harmless entertainment. Upon heeding the disastrous news, with the good morals she had, she immediately contacted the Scandinavian beauty.

The auburn-haired allure was heartbroken as she gave attention to the word. She was frightened, distressed, and very fearful of the state of her lover's condition. What on earth had she done to endure such a fearsome predicament?

She had hastily reached out to Jackie; Nicky's plus-one partner for the event, as she was witnessed sitting next to her at the time. They never had the best connection after the dilemma they had suffered together years ago.

The dilemma being: Gigi alluring Jan into her side instead of the Persian's. Who had the most undeniable desire on the enthusiastic blonde. She never suggested mistreating the Persian so bitterly; she was only just green-eyed that the brunette possessed her smarts and wits to charm herself way to the public while Gigi had to exclusively rely on her appearance and status foundation. She was envious, she was a monster. She knew she was, in return, she ruined one of her only genuine friendships in her entire life.

It sufficed to say that they did not have the most prosperous conversation as Jackie acknowledged her call. Though, the brunette did concede with the honest conclusions to her questions. She paraded around the explanation which was alright for the Scandinavian, she just obliged to ascertain herself that her fianceé was well. Nicky was now her close friend, she knew she had to get along with her lover even if she esteemed her or not.

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