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   [ A/n: I took a break and made this in between 2-5 hours in the early morning. I hope this book so far has touched and educated you all. ]

[ Gigi ]

Its the end..

Its finally the end..

°°- Forevermore -°°

   Winterfest had driven by in such a barfly haze that Nicky had even neglected to arrive at Jan's holiday occasion. She was determined to have entered during the occurrence but was mysteriously nonexistent throughout. Some of her comrades had speculated that she was suffering from an illness and required a modest place to ease in, therefore her absence, as her penthouse residence was a credible bustling site for noise. 

   Nonetheless, in bends of events, the misgiving did not halt Gigi to get a kick out of Christmas with her colleagues and friends. She did seem to be fearful for her bride but accepted to candidly scuffle off any concern, for it was indeed a day for strictly mirth and happiness. 

   As they unwrapped their exchanged gifts, they soon unfolded their recently acclaimed bartered fortunes.

   Jan had procured an odd package from the post on the exact day, appeared to have arrived from Paris, France. It was inoculated to the margin with cotton and expensive perfumes too much for any connoisseur of scent. The letter attached to the box was simple, a greeting from an anonymous admirer under the initials of JC. The calligraphy was elegant and well-composed, the words as refined as Mozart pieces of music. If words could sing, that letter wss a vivid representation.

   The sediment of the clan had collected their souvenirs, some shamelessly detested, the remainder humble to ratifying whatever was given. 

   At the end of the night, there left only a single box, which was set aside under the ecstatic purple Christmas tree Jan had beautified in the midst of her living space within her high-rose home. 

   A nominal-sized cube, embodied in a glamorous structure of crimson-chiffon. The nook lid of the container was consecrated with an eloquent letter. N. It prevailed a meagerly heavy to grasp up, though not too bulbous or profound. Not a soul of the rest other than Gigi, herself, comprehended what was within the miniature compartment of festivities. 

   From the surplus of the faction could remind, the Scandinavian-giver had quoted of a tape she would enact on several weeks heretofore of the current period. They did not recognize the film, where it had been filmed, or what sacred topic was within it. But they did forcefully concurred with one another that it would have to be a dominant probability that the movie itself was:



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