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"seriously hails, he's not that bad."
"simon. shut up." i groaned. i had this everyday. everyday his name would pop up of simon telling me how 'he's not that bad' or 'give him a chance' and everyday i would give the same answer.
"what's your big problem with him?" he asked as we both climbed out of his car and started walking towards the school.
"my dear, dear brother," i sighed
"harry lewis and i do not get along. we never have. and we never will. he's a knob that goes around using girls and i don't stan it." i shrugged pulling the door open to the school and letting simon walk in before me.
"that's only on the outside!"
"and the outside is all i want to see." i laughed.
"please just be chill with him tonight" he pleaded.
oh yes. every friday night simons boys would come around for a "guys night." while i would sit in my room listening to them screaming about fifa.
"well you don't need to worry about me tonight si,"
i smiled as i entered the combination of my locker.
"i have a party tonight so won't be back until all the boys are gone so don't worry, you'll have a hailee and harry free night."
i grabbed my books i needed for english which was macbeth and quickly shut my locker.
"who's party and why haven't we been invited?"
simon said, furrowing his eyebrows together.
"you don't know them. it's bree's cousin. he's a couple years above us."
i leaned against my locker facing simon and pulled my phone out.
"a couple years? you're kidding." he said.
"nope." i replied popping the 'p'
"look we will talk later i gotta get to English" i said as i saw Bree walk towards us.
"see you later yeah?"
"yeah." simon replied before i made my way over to my best friend.
"good morning sexy" bree smirked as i laughed while we began to walk towards our english room.
"you ready for tonight?" she asked, linking her arm through mine.
"you bet. any excuse to get away from my brother and his annoying friends."
"hot friends." bree corrected.
i scoffed.
"funny." i said pulling open the english room door.
"seriously though, JJ! he can take me out any day!" bree sighed, a smirk playing on her lips.
"ew Bree, never say that again!" i laughed as we made our way over to our usual seats.
my smile dropped when i saw someone already sitting in my place.
"you're in my seat." i spat, crossing my arms.
Bree has already sat in her seat in front of where i was meant to be sitting and just ignored the situation.
"well hello hailee," harry said smirking.
"this is your seat? i didn't know?"
"well now you do so move." i stayed simply, glaring at him.
"sorry hun," he said, leaning back in the chair.
"first come first served." he sung.
i laughed.
and i laughed again.
no way does this kid think he's starting right now.
"you have ten seconds to move before i h-"
"miss minter," my english professor said.
"is there a problem?" he asked.
i smirked and looked at harry before look at the teacher.
"actually sir," i smirked.
"there is. harry lewis is sitting in my seat and now refusing to move." i said pointing towards harry who was currently leaning back in his seat, looking all smug.
"miss minter, i think you're mature enough to just leave mr lewis alone and come sit at the front for now. class needs to begin"
when i said my draw dropped. i mean it's currently on the floor and my eyes nearly popping out of my
"you're kidding." i laughed.
harry snickered and i shot a glare at him.
"i'm not the type to joke miss minter, now please come sit at the front. you're already distracting the class enough."
Bree turned around to look at me.
"hails just go, it's one lesson." she said, knowing i wasn't going to let harry win unless she told me to stop.
"yeah hails," harry smirked, leaning forward.
"it's just one lesson."
i shot daggers at him. if looks could kill.
i huffed before taking off towards my seat in front of the teacher, slinging my bag down and sitting on the seat, crossing my arms.
i hate harry lewis.

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