- 11

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it was a few hours after the incident with jake. i was sitting in my room staring at the ceiling. simon was in his room and so was JJ.
the rest of the boys had gone back to there own house after they checked that harry and i was okay.
i still don't know why he was the one getting involved with jake, especially after what happened last night.
i sighed and got up from my bead, heading into the kitchen and quickly making myself a coffee.
"hey." i heard harry say. i turned around to be faced by him.
deja vu.
"hey," i mumbled.
"i thought you had gone home?" i asked taking a sip of my coffee.
"yeah but i left my charger so i came back to get it." he said, showing my his charger that was gripped in his hand. i just nodded and cleared my throat.
"i should go." he sighed, turning around and beginning to walk off.
"wait!" i said.
what am i doing? we hate each other.
"thankyou," i started, walking over to him and stopped when we were about a foot apart.
"you know, for punching jake." i said, chuckling slightly, staring at my hands as i spoke.
"it's okay, i'm sorry you got punched." he whispered.
i frowned.
"i'm sorry you got punched too." i chuckled slightly looking up at him.
i studied his face. i had never really focused on what harry looked like, but jheez i missed out.
he was really good looking. even with a busted lip.
"your lip." i mumbled.
"your eye." he replied, bringing his hand up to my face and stroking over where the bruise was beginning to form.
i shuddered at his touch but couldn't help but let a smile creep up on my face.
i watched as his eyes flickered between my eyes and my lips and within seconds we found ourself leaning in.
was i seriously going to kiss harry lewis? harry who i was supposed to hate.
our lips brushed together. i could feel his breath tickling my lips.
we both didn't know what to do. are we seriously going to do this?
i guess the answer was yes as harry closed the gap between us and connected our lips.
it was slow at first as we both settled in but soon it began to get more heated as harry placed both of his hands either side of my cheeks.
"hails has harry been ye-"
we both pulled a party quickly and turned around to find simon standing there with a confused look on his face which soon turned into an angry look.
"i'll take that as a yes." he spat glaring at harry.
"i should get going." hardy coughed, awkwardly looking between me and simon. i just nodded and watched as he left.
me and simon we're silent until we heard the front door shut.
"harry lewis? seriously?"
"simon, it was nothing. heat of the moment." i replied, walking over to where i had left my coffee.
that's all it was right? heat of the moment?
"you're meant to hate this guy hailee!" simon exclaimed, i rolled my eyes.
"just yesterday you were telling me how he isn't that bad." i responded.
"as a friend! not as in kissing him!" he burst and i just stared at him.
"please hails, not harry. you've seen how he is with girls and i don't want my sister to be the next heart he breaks." he said softly, i just sighed.
"please. not harry." he repeated.
i walked over to him and gave him a quick hug.
"promise." i replied.

desperate (w2s/harry lewis)Where stories live. Discover now