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"simon i'm going!" i shout coming out of my room and heading into the lounge.
i was greeted by Simon, JJ and harry.
i wasn't surprised with JJ as he lived with us but harry. why was he here so early.
"what time are you coming home?" simon asked, his eyes focused on the fifa match between him and harry.
"i don't know." i shrugged opening my
phone to see if Bree has said she is outside yet.
"how are you getting home?" JJ asked. i laughed.
"woah JJ, never knew i had two brothers." i joked around looking up from my phone.
"no seriously, how are you getting home."
simon asked, pausing his game of fifa.
i shrugged.
"i'll get Jake to drop me home." i said. just as the the words left my mouth my phone buzzed.

Bree: outside

Hails: coming

"bree's outside i gotta go." i said, grabbing my purse and shoving my phone inside it.
"okay, text me so i know you're good." simon shouted as i made my way out.
"will do."
i flung the door open and quickly made my way down to Brees car.
climbing into the back i greeted Talia and Bree.
"let's fucking go!"


it was nearly midnight and it was safe to say i was out of it from about eleven.
i was dancing with talia. neither of us knew where Bree was, she disappeared at the beginning of the night.
"do you think Brees okay?" i asked talia, shouting over the music. talia shrugged.
"we should go look for her." she replied and i nodded.
we sorted that i would check downstairs and talia would check upstairs.
we both wondered off our separate ways but not before we both downed the drinks in our hand.
to say i was unsteady would be an understatement.
i was only a small person so it took very little for me to get drunk and here i was.
the number of shot i was on was unknown and the number of vodka cokes was also unknown.
i stumbled towards the kitchen, holding onto the wall as best as i could as i passed through the door.
left foot, right foot.
i kept chanting it over and over in my head while scanning the room for a sign of Bree.
"i'm so sorry!" i apologised and i fell into a blonde girl. she quickly turned around and her angry face started laughing.
"hailee?" she questions.
"as if! Rita!" i gushed as my arms through around her giving her a hug but also helping me stand up straight.
"i haven't seen you for ages!" rita replied as she pulled away from our hug.
i was about to reply as i felt a vibration in my pocket.
"one minute." i said pulling out of my phone.

talia: i found Bree, there's a taxi outside for us to go home are you coming?

hailee: i found rita, i'm going to stay for a bit longer.

talia: okay i'll tell simon when i get to yours.

i replied to talia, instead i turned to Bree.
"shots?" i asked and she laughed.
"still the same hailee!" she laughed as we both stumbled over to the kitchen side where the alcohol was.
"do you still?" she asked, indicating smoking as she raised her fingers to her lips and then pulled them away.
i shook my head vigorously.
"no no no." i replied.
"not after what happened last year." i said, a frown dropping.
"well if you ever want to, you know where to find me." rita replied smiling, passing me over my shot.
"cheers." she said as she took her shot.
i just smiled and took my shot.
i loved the feeling of it. the burning down your throat. it felt nice.
"beer pong?" she asked, a smirk playing at her lips.
"obviously." i replied, hooking my arm through hers so i would stumble as we both made our way into the dining room.
we were both laughing and giggling, saying hi to people we knew as we passed them.
making our way into the dining room my eyes widened.
"you have to be fucking kidding me." i hissed, removing my arm from Rita.
"Hails, what's up?" she asked following where i was looking and then quickly releasing a gasp.
jake was stood there, his arms wrapped around some brunette.
i just stood there watching, his hand trailing down to her ass and giving it a squeeze.
"hailee come on, let's go back into the kitchen." rita said, gripping my arm and trying to pry me away.
i just ignored her. the feeling of being drunk seemed to of disappeared and be replaced by anger.
i pulled my arm from rita and quickly stomped over to where jake was.
"what are you doing?" i hissed pulling jakes arm around so he was facing me.
his eyes widened as his arm dropped from around the girl.
"hailee! babe hi, i haven't seen you all night." he quickly forced out, placing an arm around my shoulder and trying to walk me away from the brunette who was now standing and looking at us confused.
"probably because you've been with her!" i shouted, referring to the brunette standing behind him.
"her? i have a name." she hissed at me.
i just shot her a glare and her eyes met the floor.
"we wasn't doing anything!" jake tried to defend himself.
i started laughing.
he's kidding.
this is all a dream. it's just the alcohol messing with me. i'll wake up in a second and i'll be back at home.
"wasn't doing anything!" i forced out, still laughing.
"you had you hand on her ass and arms around her. do you have any idea how disrespectful that is to me!" i screeched. at this point everyone in the dining room was staring at us both.
"we're just friends baby, come on." he said gripping my hands and pulling me into him.
"no!" i shouted and pushed him away from me.
he looked shocked as i watched his eyes darken.
"do not touch me, you little bitch." jake hissed at me as he took one step towards me but i stood my ground.
"hails, come on." rita pipped up, grabbing me arm and pulling me away. i obliged and let her lead me into the hall by the front door.
"i'm so sorry ha-" she started.
"rita," i sighed.
"please don't. i don't want any sympathy." i shot her a weak smile.
"i'm just going to go home. it was nice to see you."
and with that i walked outside of the house and down the drive way.
i pulled my phone out to see it was nearly half one.
time flies by when you're drunk and angry.
i clicked on simons name and placed my phone to my ear.
i needed a lift since i was definitely not getting one with jake.
the call went straight to voicemail as i just sighed.
i'll just walk. it isn't far.

desperate (w2s/harry lewis)Where stories live. Discover now