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The incident with Umbridge at the courtyard reminded George that Willa had no parents, which meant that she had nowhere to go for holiday breaks - including the upcoming Christmas break

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The incident with Umbridge at the courtyard reminded George that Willa had no parents, which meant that she had nowhere to go for holiday breaks - including the upcoming Christmas break. He so desperately wanted to spend this Christmas with Willa, so he Owled his parents. However, they were unsure of inviting a girl they had never met to 12 Grimmauld Place. George even got Harry's permission. Willa did stand up for Harry, punch Draco, and go to the DA meetings.

Willa had no idea what George was doing. It wasn't meant to be a surprise since he wanted to give her time to pack and decline the offer if she wanted to. He had asked her three weeks before after a DA meeting. She smiled and hugged him around the neck, pulling him down to meet her height. She had never a true family Christmas before, as her parents died in the First Wizarding War and her grandparents on both sides died before she was born.

Willa was nervous as she walked into 12 Grimmauld Place. She fidgeted around, looking around the place.

"Hey, Willa, it'll be all right," George reassured, resting his hand on her back, leading her to the room she would be sharing with Ginny.

She dropped her trunk off and walked back downstairs with George. He led her to the kitchen where he assumed his mother and the rest of his family - including Harry - would be. The two had traveled alone because George wanted to take her somewhere first. He knew she was nervous, so they stopped by a park to watch the clouds for a few hours. It was just them and the clouds.

George and Willa walked into the room. Ron and Harry were playing chess, Fred was braiding Ginny's hair, Arthur - who had just gotten out of St. Mungo's - was reading a newspaper, while Molly was cooking.

"Mum, Dad, this is Willa," introduced George.

Molly turned around and wiped her hands on her apron before walking toward them and shaking Willa's outstretched hand.

Arthur looked up from the newspaper. "Would walk over there, but Molly told me to not walk."

Molly turned around, hands of her hips. "You don't need to be moving, I'll spoil you tonight."

Willa smiled at Molly before walking over to Arthur to shake his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you both."

George fondly smiled at Willa. Molly narrowed her eyes at him and hummed. "Are you two dating?"

Fred snorted. Willa and George looked at each other, debating on telling the truth or not since Harry, Ron, and Ginny didn't know about the fake relationship.

"They are," said Fred, knowing George was going to confess to her that night. "They're just shy."

"Shy, my arse," scoffed Ron, waving a chess piece toward Willa. "She punched Malfoy in the face."

Willa's face flushed. She enjoyed being a badass, but not in front of someone's parents - especially since those parents were George's.

"Is that true?" asked Molly, a hit of uncertainty in her voice.

"Well, he was making fun of George, Harry, and Ron, so I couldn't let that go."

Molly cleared her throat and straightened up. "Oh. Well, would you like some pie?"

Ron gasped. "And when I do something not even remotely as harmful as that, you yell at me?"

"Ron, shush. Now, pie, dear?"

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