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 Willa clung onto George's arm as she stared at the chaos around her

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Willa clung onto George's arm as she stared at the chaos around her. People laid dead on the floor, Death Eaters were dressed in black, guests in colorful dress robes were fleeing. George was tall, but still, he got up to his toes to look for Fred. Fred and George made eye contact. Marisol was holding Fred's hand, frantically looking around. The twins nodded at each other before respectively Disapparating out of the tent and to their flat. It was dark and they kept quiet, as to not alert anyone else.

"Fred," Marisol whispered.

"I'm here, sweetheart. I'm here," he reassured.

"Marisol?" Willa called out. "Is that you?"

"Willa? Yes, it's Marisol."

Willa let out a sigh of relief. "Thank Godric."

"Are you all right, Willa?" asked George as his hands roamed her body, checking for any injuries.

"I'm fine," she reassured. "Are you?"

"No injuries," he informed.

George and Fred made eye contact in the dark.

"Nowhere is safe," said George. "Grimmauld Place was compromised last year, and the Burrow isn't safe right now. We have to wait it out. We'll wait to rendezvous with the others."

Marisol nodded, clutching Fred's robes. She pulled out her wand and cast a Protective enchantment over the four. "Lumos," she whispered.

Their eyes all adjusted to the light of Marisol's wand. The four took a good look at each other, making sure they were unharmed. Marisol wiped her tears away and sniffled.

"Are we to wait here?" she asked. "Everyone is risking their lives and we're just here, stowed away?"

"You're safe, and your father wants that," said Fred.

"That's what a parent does - they'll only worry about their children," added George.

Marisol 's heart jumped. "I - Fred, I'm pregnant."

George, Fred, and Willa all looked at each other with shocked faces.

"You're what?" asked Fred.

"I'm pregnant with your child," she repeated.

"I - When did you find out?" he asked.

"Only a few weeks before the wedding."

Fred fished out a ring box. "Is now a bad time to officially propose to you?"

Willa laughed. "Sorry. I'm sorry. It's just - Godric, that's such bad timing, Fred."

Fred chuckled. "Better now than later."

Marisol looked at the ring box in his hand before glancing up at his face. "Yes."

"Really?" he asked.

She nodded. Willa and George looked at each other before leaning into each other and kissing gently.

SECRET ADMIRER. ❪ George Weasley ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now