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A/N: This may sound like the description, but I hope you read it. It has more content.

Ten years ago...

Choi Hyeon, the teenage daughter of a weapon dealer, was kidnapped by her father's enemy and held hostage. Before anything could happen to her, she was saved by the mobster's son, Jeon Jeongguk, but she wasn't set free. After all, like father, like son.


"I saved you from my dad. So... be my friend," The fifteen-year-old lonely Jeongguk said it more like an order.

"I'll be your friend. But can I go back home?" Hyeon pushed her luck too hard.

His cute expression changed to a deadly one as he inched closer to her, so close that the only thing she could smell was his strong manly cologne. Although he was a teenager, he looked like a grown man. "I asked you to be my friend, but are you trying to use me as your ticket out of here? I HATE being used. So, from now on, be my friend or not, you're mine and I ain't letting you go anywhere."



"Thank you for saving my life, but can I leave now?" Hyeon slammed her hands on the police's desk, irritated after spending hours at the police station.

"I heard you're close to Jeon Jeongguk. He's number one on our hit list, but unfortunately, we don't have enough evidence against him. Help us get the evidence and I promise, I won't bother you again," the policeman, whose nametag read 'Kim Taehyung', offered.

"Do you think I'll betray him for the sake of my peace? I'm sorry if this bothers you but I know the value of loyalty."

He looked impressed and closed the distance between them, locking her in the middle of the desk and him, with his hands on her sides. Her breath hitched at the proximity.

"Fine, I'll offer you something in return for the help. Something that you won't be able to refuse... or resist."


"I've liked Jeongguk for as long as I can remember, but for the last few days I'm a little confused," Hyeon told Jimin on the call.

"Usually, you're quite good at making decisions. What is it that's making you confused?" The voice came from the other side of the line.

"Kim Taehyung."


"Stop! Where are you taking me? My father will beat you to a pulp when he finds out," Choi Hyeon was dragged away by two men costumed in the attire of bodyguards immediately after school hours. She was still dressed in the short skirt and the grey blazer of her school uniform.

"Your father shouldn't have interfered in our business. Now, you have to experience the hardships because of his sins", the taller guy forced her into the van.

"Why should I suffer for his decisions? It had nothing to do with-," the shorter guy stuffed a piece of cloth into her mouth to silence her, while the other one tied her hands behind her back and covered her eyes with a blindfold with huge difficulty as she continued struggling.

"Let's go." The engine started rumbling as the car advanced.

"Untie the cloth on her eyes and mouth. I need to talk to her", a deep manly voice hit Hyeon's ears. She was pushed down on her knees in front of a man sitting on a throne.

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