6. Buying Lingerie

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"So, you're telling me that Choi Jin-ho and his son are leaving for Macau this Saturday?" Min Yoongi interrogated Choi Jin-Ho's old servant who served them all day and stayed at their place at night, after getting the hidden CCTVs installed.

"Yes, I heard their conversation this week. They mentioned a birthday party in Macau," she replied.

"Ah, all of Seoul is being emptied or what? Everyone is going to Macau," Yoongi said to himself.

She smiled at the way Yoongi's frustration kicked in.

"This is my number. I need you to inform me about everything that happens in that house, okay?" Yoongi handed her a piece of paper.

She accepted it, bowing slightly.

"By any chance, do you happen to know anything personal about Choi Jin-ho? I mean something that he is very secretive about or anything of that sort," Yoongi interrogated further.

"I don't know if this is relevant, but occasionally, sir brings huge metallic boxes home. He doesn't let anyone touch them let alone opening to see what's inside," she sipped on the tea Yoongi had ordered.

"Do you know where he keeps those boxes?"

"I'm not sure because he doesn't keep them at his place for long. They arrive late at night and he loads them in his truck and takes them out early in the morning. I think he has someplace where he stores them, but we aren't allowed to think about all this so we mind our business and do the job we're appointed for," she explained.

"Fine. The next time those boxes arrive, you need to call me as soon as possible, okay?" Yoongi proposed.

"Yes, officer."

The meeting ended and Min Yoongi headed back home.

"Yoongi, you're back? Did you get the drinks I asked you to bring?" Yoongi's mother asked as she chopped the vegetables, sitting on the compact dining table.

In Yoongi's life, the only problem was money. He didn't have enough of that. His father owned a small restaurant that was also not doing very well, and his mother was a housewife. However, he was doing good at his job, and they were financially stable enough to hold a family gathering.

"Um, no. I had too much on my mind. So, I forgot," Yoongi did not meet her eyes.

"What did you have on your mind that you forgot to bring the drinks? You don't usually forget stuff," his mother asked, concerned.

"I will have to leave for Macau tomorrow for some work," Yoongi headed back to his room and pulled down the luggage bag from over his cupboard and placed it on the bed.

"Why so suddenly? They should have informed you earlier," His mother stood by the door of his room.

"I have to keep an eye on someone. So, I decided to go," Yoongi pulled out two pairs of formal clothing from his cupboard and arranged it in the bag.

Thereupon, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," his mother left.

"Min Yoongi! How dare you not invite me to the gathering?" His short, but cute best friend since schooldays, Lee Soo-ah, rushed into Yoongi's room as soon as his mother opened the door for her.

"Why would I invite you?" Yoongi said in a rather cold tone.

"I heard you invited Kim Taehyung. So, you should have invited me too," she jumped onto Yoongi's back and hung on there.

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