7. Delicious Lips

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(A/N: Please read the author's note at the end of the chapter.)

"If only that man tried to understand me," Cha Mi-sun wiped a fake dramatic tear as she sipped on her wine. "Who are you kidding, Mi-sun? You should have been prepared for this."

She extended her glass forward gesturing the bartender to refill it, speaking to herself.

"You should not drink so much, Mi-sun. But can you want to stop it? No," she giggled making the men beside her look at her with confusion.

"Miss, shall I ask someone to help you back to your room?" The man behind the counter said, looking at her completely drunk.

"No, thank you. I'm not drunk," Mi-sun mumbled, fumbling with her words, proving the opposite of her words. She finished her third glass and tumbled off the chair, falling backwards.

A man dressed formally caught her before she touched the ground.

"Miss, allow me to help you," he said, gently helping her back on her feet.

"Oh, you?" Mi-sun batted her eyelashes at the man.

"Do you know me?" He said, looking into her eyes, holding her up by her arms as her knees turned to jelly.

Mi-sun looked at him in awe. The man in front of her was the human version was the cutest puppy.

"You look like someone I know. I think I'm going to marry him," she stood on her toes and pressed his face between her palms, making his natural pout look puffier.

"Excuse me?" Kim Seokjin moved away from her. "Look, I was just being kind, but you are being very impolite right now."

"Aw, don't be such a baby," she whined and jumped in her spot. "You're cute, you know."

"Uhm, you're drunk, miss," Seokjin couldn't help but smile at the wasted girl in front of him.

"No!" She pouted. "I'm not drunk. You are. But... do you have lipstick on? Your lips are so pink."

"No, I don't apply lipstick. I'm a man," Seokjin coughed.

"But they look yummy," she smiled cheekily and leaned in to kiss him quickly, covering his lips with hers in no longer than a second.

His eyes widened as he looked down at her. She was beautiful. Although he didn't want to kiss her, he started to give in. She had an unusually irresistible charm about her. But before he fell too deep into the kiss, he brought his actions in check and gently pushed her away.

"I don't kiss strang-," he was interrupted my Mi-sun's wide smile. "Why are you smiling like that?"

"I love being right, you know," she pulled her lower lip in, exposing the upper row of her white teeth as her smile grew wider. "I was right just now. You are yummy."

Seokjin choked on air. "This girl..."

"So, handsome man, I'll see you later, okay? I need to get back to my room and call my boyfriend," she started walking away.

"She's drunk and also completely aware she has a boyfriend, but still kissed a random man just to know how he tastes. Great thinking, girl," he chuckled taking a seat at the bar.

It had not been long since Mi-sun left the scene when Seokjin started worrying.

"Will she be able to get back to her room being drunk like that?" He sighed. "You know what, I'll just go to that exit and see if she left. Just till that door."

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