1. Stolen Gems

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"Jeongguk, the entire area is under protection. There are guards everywhere. I can't get out without passing through the security check," the twenty-five-year-old Choi Hyeon spoke into the earpiece after exiting the room where ancient Korean antiques were kept in the museum.

"Wait right there. Pass the gem packet to me and go through the security check," his raspy voice vibrated into her ear.

"How are you planning on exiting without getting caught?" Hyeon put herself in Jeongguk's shoes.

"You'll see when I get there."

Hyeon strolled around the museum as if she hadn't stolen anything, waiting for Jeongguk to arrive.

The salver, on which the rarest gems ever found in Korea were going to be displayed, was brought out of the antique room.

"Oh shit! The salver's here. Where the heck is Jeongguk?" Hyeon panicked, the pace of her walk increasing.

"Hyeon, turn around," a beautiful voice echoed in the earpiece. She halted and turned.

There he was. Jeon Jeongguk. The man who does everything his father asks him not to. The man who thinks of life as a gamble. The man who loves Choi Hyeon unconditionally. But... as a best friend. Or so he thinks.

"What do you think about this look?" Jeongguk spun around, showing off his cop outfit. Hyeon wanted to say he looked better in the uniform than any other costume he has ever tried on but refrained to prevent boosting his already massive pride.

"Where did you get that?" Hyeon rolled her eyes at him.

"I came across a cop named Min Yoongi. He tried to attack me. At first, I thought 'oh, so you are one of those girls who love me too much and chase me around and climb on me on every chance you get?' So I welcomed his attack. But he disappointed me when he gave me a cut on my arm," Jeongguk explained his narcissistic thoughts dramatically as Hyeon tucked the tiny packet of gems under his waistband. Yes, his waistband. They are close enough to touch each other like that.

"Where did you get the cut?" Naturally, Hyeon slid her fingers down his right forearm to feel the cut under his sleeve.

"Hyeon, it's on the other arm. But what I'm trying to say is he hurt me so...," Jeongguk smiled evilly.

Hyeon gasped. "You beat him up, didn't you?"

"Well, you know me too well," Jeongguk pecked her cheek. "Also, I punished him by taking his uniform."

"Why do you look so proud? You hurt a policeman today, Jeongguk. The path you're going for annoying your father isn't healthy," Hyeon lectured him, wiping the kiss off the cheek. "And don't kiss me again. It's gross."

"Yeah, mom. I asked Jimin to do a little research about him on our way here. Turns out he is Kim Taehyung's right hand, the police officer in charge of all cases against me," Jeongguk turned to face Hyeon and spoke in a serious tone.

Park Jimin was Jeongguk's only friend before he met Hyeon. And he is a genius. Give him anything between running background checks to hacking or mathematical problems to scientific equations, he can crack it all too well. And not to forget his excellent looks that can make any girl with a good taste drool.

"Where's Jimin now?" Hyeon lifted Jeongguk's other sleeve to check the cut. She wasn't affected much because the cut wasn't too deep and she had seen much worse on his body.

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