2. Kicked Out

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"How dare you steal those gems when I asked you not to? I told you that my friend had plans for those stones. Why don't you ever listen to me?" Jeon Mal-chin scolded Jeongguk, slapping him across the face, leaving a crimson handprint.

"I told you, do not order me around or I will do everything that you ask me not to," Jeongguk took the beating unflinchingly.

"This is why I like your older brother more. He obeys my orders," Mal-chin furiously turned the table upside down, toppling the overpriced vase, fragmenting it into pieces.

"He is your servant, not your son. You make him do all the wrong things you do and he doesn't have the guts to refuse," Jeongguk retaliated, ignoring the broken glass that cut him near the ankle.

Jeon Mal-chin looked at his son with disappointment and disgust. "Are you even my son? I wish I had abandoned you in your childhood."

These words tormented Jeongguk's feelings, his soul. He clenched his jaw and looked away.

"Do I seriously mean nothing to you?" He whispered under his breath.

"What did you just say?" Jeon Mal-chin mistook his soft words for cussing.

Jeongguk didn't respond and it provoked his father, who turned away from him and took a deep breath and found a solution to deal with the kid.

"I'm going to kick that Choi Jin-ho's girl out. You don't need her anymore," Mal-chin was well-aware of how close two were though he always turned a blind eye to it.

This got Jeongguk's full attention. "You can't do that!"

"Why not?"

"She is my best friend and has nowhere to go. I'm not letting you do that," Jeongguk argued.

"How about a negotiation? You go to China and give those stones to my friend, Cha Dae-sung, or I throw your best friend out. You decide," Mal-chin proposed, emphasizing on 'best friend'.

Jeongguk didn't have many options to choose from.

"When do I leave?" Jeongguk gave in.



"Stay away from me or I will lose control," Choi Hyeon breathed in sharply as Kim Taehyung inched closer, looking up straight into his deep black eyes with different eyelids that had an unusual sparkle in them.

"You will lose control?" Taehyung smirked.

"Taehyung, move away from her," Min Yoongi interrupted. "What you're doing may be fun, but it isn't something to be done by an officer during duty hours."

Taehyung diverted his gaze from Hyeon and looked at Yoongi with irritation.

"Do you know why I like you? It's because you don't usually interfere with my work. I wasn't doing anything wrong, officer Min. I was just making sure I have her complete attention when I propose something," Taehyung moved away from Hyeon, who was stiff in her position against the table, bewildered.

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