4. Roses and Chocolates

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(A/N: This chapter is for those who like Choi Hyeon and Kim Taehyung together.)

"Wow, you look like a handsome fish," Choi Hyeon said to Kim Namjoon at the dining table, where they were sitting together for dinner. "A fish that I could dine on every night."

Namjoon choked on his water listening to Hyeon's words.

"Uh, she didn't mean it like that," Park Jimin tried to help Namjoon understand what Hyeon meant because she sounded so very wrong. He shook his head at Hyeon gesturing her to keep her mouth shut. But she didn't get the hint.

"No, I meant it in that way. You look like a delicious fish," Hyeon added.

"Shut up," Jimin whispered to her.

Namjoon laughed. He understood that Hyeon did not realize what she was saying and took it in a fun way.

"I'm so sorry. She's usually not like this," Jimin lied. Hyeon was always like this. She didn't think much before speaking.

"It's okay, Jimin," Namjoon turned towards Hyeon. "You are one interesting person. By any chance, are you and Jimin dating?"

"I am Jimin's girlfriend? Oh god, no!" Hyeon raised her hands in defence. She was disgusted at the idea of dating him. To her, it felt like dating her brother.

"Um, okay. Whatever you say," Namjoon did not completely believe her because it was the first time Jimin had ever brought a girl home. "Oh, I almost forgot to ask. What's your name?"

Hyeon was about to tell him when Jimin covered her mouth with his palm.

"Yes, she is my girlfriend and I get jealous when you to her. So, stop," he said, angrily.

He stood up and pulled Hyeon to the guest room with him.

"What are you doing?" Hyeon pulled her hand out of his as soon as they entered the room, irritated.

Jimin closed the door behind them. Namjoon shook his head, smiling, thinking Jimin was genuinely jealous.

"Didn't I tell you that he works for the police? Are you stupid or something?" Jimin tried his best to keep his voice low.

"So what if he works for the police? If that Kim Taehyung didn't put me behind the bars, why would he? And we don't even know if he knows about me or not," Hyeon argued.

"Of course, he knows about you. He's best friends with Kim Taehyung. They handle all cases together," Jimin held Hyeon by her shoulders. "And yes, he won't put you behind the bars, but he'll kick you out of here. Don't you think?"

"Well, in that case, I wouldn't like to live in a place where people don't want me. The same goes for Jeongguk's house. I don't want to go back there even when he returns."

"Then, where are you planning to go, Hyeon? Don't be stupid," Jimin groaned in frustration.

"I'll find myself a job and a place to live. If necessary, I'll borrow some money from Jeongguk and return it to him as soon as possible," Hyeon knew she can survive with just a little help.

"Hyeon...," Jimin had given up because he knew Hyeon wasn't wrong. "Fine, do that, but till he is back from Macao, let's live here in peace."

"I have no appetite. I'll go up to your room and sleep. Let's talk in the morning."


"Ugh! Why can't I get that feeling out of my head?" Kim Taehyung was struggling to get some sleep as usual. Taehyung generally had difficulty sleeping, but his insomnia reached a whole new level when he had something on his mind.

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