8. Not The Happiest Birthday Party

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"Are all the arrangements made?" Kim Jae-bong inquired from the crew as his older heir, Kim Seokjin, took a round around the banquet, examining the details.

"Yes, sir. The guests will come in now," the staff answered.

"It's done very well. You can go now," Kim Seokjin added and approached his father. "Please talk to Taehyung today."

"I am not talking to that disrespectful brat," Jae-bong reproached.

"Father, please. Just once."

"No," he walked away.

"I don't know about my father, but the music playing in the back is nice."

After they had looked around for quite some time, the guests had arrived and they began attending them.

"Kim Jae-bong?" A voice called him from behind him and he turned to face a well-built man in his late thirties.

"Cha Dae-sung?" Jae-bong guessed.

Dae-sung smiled, acknowledging his correct guess. Jae-bong asked the guests he was attending to excuse him, asked his assistant to bring Seokjin and then paid full attention to Cha Dae-sung.

"You look fairly well today. That suit looks expensive," Dae-sung complimented.

"Thank you. You don't look bad yourself," Jae-bong said, maintaining his dignified stance.

'If he is so elegant, emerging from nothing, how would his son whom he has raised in this environment be? I am glad I picked the right family to marry off my daughter in,'  Dae-sung smiled to himself.

"Father, did you call me?" Seokjin met them right after being called.

"Yes, this is Cha Dae-sung, Cha Mi-sun's father," Jae-bong introduced them.

"Yes, I know. We met when he gave me the gems," Seokjin said to his father after he shook hands with Dae-sung and greeted him.

"I'll get straight to the point. You being my son-in-law interests me because I like you. For the same, I contacted your father, and he suggested we talk about it today," Dae-sung explained.

"Yes. And I think Seokjin and your daughter, Cha Mi-sun, should go out on a date," Jae-bong suggested.

"Father, that won't be necessary. I accept the marriage since it's for my good," Seokjin smiled thinking about the previous night.

"Just like that?" Dae-sung's excitement was no longer bottled inside him.

Seokjin's decision surprised Jae-bong, but still, it made him smile.

"Yes, sir. But I would like to meet her today. Will she be stopping by?" Seokjin proposed.

"I'm not sure. She had a break up so I don't think she would want to come today," Dae-sung cringed thinking about Jeongguk.

"Oh, is that so? Then, I think she must come. It would be my pleasure to make her feel better," Seokjin knew Mi-sun would come because she didn't have another reason to be at the hotel the previous night.

"That would be great. I'll call her and ask about her whereabouts," Dae-sung excused himself and called Cha Mi-sun, but her phone rings somewhere nearby.

"Cha Mi-sun came with... Jeon Jeongguk?" Seokjin's eyes widened when he turned towards the entrance of the banquet where Jeongguk and Mi-sun stood with their arms linked.

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