3. Brothers

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"So, where do you live?" Choi Hyeon asked Park Jimin as she drove her car.

"Keep driving. I'll give the directions," Jimin looked away. He was still hesitating to take Hyeon home, but he didn't have an option. He cared about her and didn't want her to be homeless. Jimin was aware that Hyeon did have a house where her father lived, but it wasn't her home.

"You like Jeongguk, don't you?" Jimin asked, changing the subject.

Hyeon looked at him and then back ahead. She didn't reply for a while.

"You knew?"

"Everyone does. Well, everyone except Jeongguk," Jimin winked at her.

"Was I that obvious?" Hyeon blushed.

"Hmm. But you do know that Jeongguk loves you only like a sister, right?" Jimin didn't want Hyeon to get hurt by keeping any hopes.

"That's exactly why I've never said anything to him. Or did you think I was a person to hold back my feelings?" Hyeon smiled wide, trying to hide her embarrassment.

"You don't hide your feelings and that becomes the problem most of the time," Jimin pointed.

Hyeon knew Jimin was correct. She couldn't keep anything that belongs to her inside her. She was pretty good at keeping other's secrets, but anything related to her came out just as fast as Usain Bolt sprinting 100 meters.

"So, why have you never shown me where you live? Are you like poor or what?" Hyeon joked. It was a joke for her because she had a feeling that Jimin was quite rich from his clothing and etiquette.

Jimin looked at her expressionlessly.

"You're right. My family is very poor," Jimin confessed.

"Shit!" Hyeon muttered under her breath. If his family was so poor that he never showed her where he lived, she wondered if she salted a wound.

"I thought you said you were poor," Hyeon looked at the house Jimin's family lived in. "So, this is your idea of 'poor'?"

Park Jimin was not poor. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. His family was blessed with everything except love and happiness.

"My family is poor, Hyeon. They don't have enough of the things that one cannot buy with money," Jimin said, sadly.

"I'm so sorry, Chim Chim," Hyeon called him by his nickname that only the four best friends knew. She placed her hand on his shoulder comfortingly.

"It's nothing for you to be sorry about. That's just the way life is. Come on, let's go in," Jimin put on a fake smile that Hyeon was familiar with but didn't say anything and just nodded.

The insides of the house were equally amazing with posh furniture, servants with uniforms and a huge chandelier.

"I know my house isn't as good as Jeongguk's but we can work with it, right?" Jimin wanted to make it sound funny but made a mistake by bringing Jeongguk up again.

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