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So I'm going to a party at my relative's house today, which leads me to writing this chappie.
Anyways, I'm sure many of you like parties.
If you do, you aren't me.
I prefer just hanging out instead of going to an actual party.
More specifically, going to a relative's party.
I'm pretty cool with my cool cousins' birthday parties or my friends' parties, but I don't like going to any other party.
Parties just make me uncomfortable, if I'm not with cool cousins or friends.
I'm a bit anti-social when there's no one that I'm friends with.
Also, there's usually a lot of noise, especially at my dad's parties with his basketball buddies.
This irks me since I normally read at these types of parties.
Also, if you ever see me at a party, I'm probably holding a book.
At my dad's parties, I always make sure I have a book with me.
If I don't, I'll be miserable all night.
You'll most likely see me sulking in a corner.
So yeah, just another piece of my life that you didn't need to know.
Anyways, I got to get ready now so bye.

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