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It started on youtube.
You might be thinking WHAT.
But trust me, it did. You might have heard of live streams on youtube that random people attend because they're after all lonely. So was I, back in 2018.
Listening to sad tunes, well I won't say I was actually listening, tagging random people (mainly guys) and trying to impress them, well one of them was this guy.

Me : Hi @adamxxx

Him : Hey @annie What's up?

Me : how old are you?

Can someone be more obvious ?

Him : 16 Why tho? 😅

Me : Just asking...

Gurl, you finally have a guy who's two years older than you to talk to!

Him : Okay ahahaha 😅

Me : So how are you doing?

Him: Nothing, just chillin'

Maybe the other texts were lost in the crowd.

Him : So do you have an ig?

Me : Yeah. Why?

Look, I'm so genius!

Him : We can chat in person, if you want to. I will follow you.

Me : Okay... it is @annie

Him : Okay I will add you.

A few minutes later, he follows me. Even though he adked for my username, he doesn'text me first.

Wait is that his profile pic?

That's so hot but who the f are the two other girls he's standing with? And if he already have girls, why did he ask for my id?

Me : Hey

Him : Heyy

Me : Where do you live?

Him : Palestine. And don't say it. I know you haven't heard of it. Nobody has.

Me : Okay haha.

Think of something good to fire up this convo!

Before, I could think of something...

Him : You're pretty. Can you send me a picture?

As soon as I read the message, my eyes were couldn't help expanding. My heart beat became uneven and my palms were sweating, as always.

Me : Thanks.

He knew I ignored the picture message.

Him : Send me a picture?

Me : No, it's hard with my mom in the same room. If you want, you can see in my feed :D"

Him : Oh c'mon it can't be that hard.

Me : It is. You don't know.

Him : Even harder than my

And there he unsent the message before I could finish reading it. Doesn't mean I didn't get the idea.

Thoughts engulfed me, is he one of those guys who just loves messing up with girls and taking screenshots of their pictures? Or maybe he's one of those horny guys who find online hot girls to get themselves done with. Yes, done with. Yes you heard me right, done with. Okay, I'm boring now.

Me : Why did you unsent the message?

Him : Because I'm probably going out of control.

As this message was read, my stomach betrayed me. Girl! He's just one of those horny guys out there on the internet... You don't need to start off with your emotions for him.

Me : What does that mean?

Who am I kidding? I got nothing.

Him : Send me a nude?

He unsent it, but I read it since the message was short enough.

Me : Why do you keep unsending messages? That is annoying.

Him : Will you send me a picture or no? You're really hot and it is hard for me to control myself.

Yes, just imagine a guy telling you this over text. Yes... YOU YES YOU imagine. How does it feel like?

Yes, now I felt the same.

Me : Stop saying that.

Him : Just talking to you is enough to turn me on.

And that is how he was able to play with my goddamn hormones.

Me : Why are you unsending messages?

Yes, he didn't stop with them.

Him : Because I don't want to regret this.

Me : *speechless*

No, I didn't send that, I was...  For real.

And then there was an angel just right there on my dms, my best friend.


Oh that stupid innocent me... Throwback sis..

San : omg send me screenshots!!

I opened his dms to click screenshots but then I saw his message which I wasn't ready for.

"Your red lips must be moaning out loud to tell me to rip your clothes apart."

As he was trying to act innocent by unsending all those messages, he didn't unsend this one. He knew I did not read it.

But then, my brain got submissive to my bottom... Brain.. Bottom brain?

Well, I choose my bestie first... Sent her all the screenshots.

She took her time to read while I sent her more messages, the ones he deleted.

@adamxxx sent you a message.

As it came on the top, my heart pumped 100 litres.

I opened.

Him : Are you there?

Me : Yes.

Him : Don't disappear. I know your cheeks are flushed.

How did he know that? They weren't before. But now after he sent the message, both my cherries were red. Well yeah, the top and bottom, both cherries.


Then here, I realized that I am in a battle with my bottom self, yes, and my top self.

Didn't get it? I meant, with my lower body all filled with hormones and my upper body having the most unemotional thingy, my brain.

Then I realized I got a message from San.

San : You know what? You should block him. He is a pervert. He is a jerk. He's one of those guys.

Then my top self was back on reality. Yes she is right.

Let's just do it. Block button there it is.

I am going to block him, but I have to first go through his unseen message. Do you think I can make it?

Do you?

Let's vote.

Why am I losing my top self?

Take a deep breath. Whew!

Then, I could read his last message without opening his dm.

Him : I could really press yo............

Um yeah? You can't really read the rest part.

No! Did he have to send that?

I guess my top self lost it.

I opened his dm as I couldn't resist my stomach from making naked flips. Is that even a term?

Then I read the message from one eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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