chapter 3

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{izuku's pov}

I stood there awkwardly; silence has engulfed he room. I knew my voice was really shaky, after not warming up. This wasn't my best performance. I was no longer crying but I felt like I was going to again. I wasted my opportunity to shine. I revealed my true feelings and now it will get made fun of and mocked. I'm such a failure-

My self-abusing words were interrupted by loud roars from the group in front of me. I looked up and found my classmate's, cheering me on. A standing ovation. I stood there shaking, I glanced at everyone individually. Some were moved to tears; some were impressed, and some were utterly shocked in their seat. and then I looked at Kaachan, he was on the edge of his seat, he was staring up at me in disbelief, from where I was standing, it almost looked like his eyes were glistening. My heart felt like it collapsed in itself, I made him look at me, I made him hear me, lets just hope he heard my words. I quickly removed myself from the stage, as the cheering continued, I took my walk to my seat and proceeded to cover my blushing face. my mind went blank as I could faintly hear mr aizawa telling everyone to calm down and for the next act to go up on stage. I flat like I was being watched, most of the class had stopped the cheering, and resorted to a concentrated stare. This was a little too much, it wasn't even that good... NOT TRYIGN TO SOUND NARSASTIC, but I think if I worker harder, my voice could be equally as smooth as Kaachan. Oh right, I was sitting next to Kaachan. Among the class who was slowly stopping the stares, Kaachan didn't. I felt his gaze pierce through my head like a snipper dot. I didn't want to look up at him, otherwise it would make this whole situation feel more awkward that it is already is.

Luckily, the act after me was rather short, a small guy with curly hair was juggling 8 balls at once. I tried to focus my attention to him but all I could think about was kaachan's gawk at me. The rest of the class had finally calmed down and I was left alone with him. I wanted Kaachan to look at me, but this is getting a tiny bit.... Creepy. I decided to get a little glance back to Kaachan, and he instantly looked away with a tch. But in that one second where I saw his face, I saw admiration. I hint of longing and admiration clouded his face before it turned back to its scrunched-up gremlin face. I felt my face get hot. Why was he looking at me like that, did he finally see me as human?


Once all the acts were finished. Aizawa took his spot on the stage as the house lights turned back on. He read his notes with a scolding look as we sat impatiently, no one wanted to be expelled. I believed it would be me though, even though I think I gained the audience approval, I had no technique, my anxiety on stage didn't create any sort of performance that could be seen as visually exciting. Frankly, if I'm not the one being expelled, I would be low on the list.

"how this is going to work is that I will be giving you report cards tomorrow, you will find how many points you got out of 100. Even if you get a high score, it doesn't mean you don't have room to improve, so don't take this as an ego boost or a reason to slack off." He started, as he rubbed his nape. "yes sir" the class responded in unison. His body posture straightened, and he sighed. "as for expulsions...... no one will be expelled... it was a logical ruse to see how you will do under pressure. Now it's lunch, go to the cafeteria you brats." He started and headed towards the door. .... "WHHATT!" the whole class screamed. many furious comments from each individual. But he didn't care, he just left the raging riot without a care in the world. I stayed sat down and breathed a sigh of relief, I was so sure I was a goner that I didn't care if he lied to me, I'm just glad I could stay. With that, I slouched on my seat as I could finally relax as everyone else's attention was focused on how they have been tricked. I took this opportunity to try and calm down my overpowering anxieties. I closed my eyes and ran my fingers through my curly green hair.

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