Chapter 12

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The next day was the most challenging day of their life. There were told that they had to push themselves going past the limits. When class 1-B arrived to join them, they were terrified on what the the teachers will make them do. They stood in Awe as each member of class 1-a seemed to be on the verge of passing out.

Bakugo was playing his drums and trying to sing over it, he was attempting to be able to move around as much as he can and keep a steady voice. Todoroki was doing the same thing, trying to dance whilst singing, trying to do both at the same time can make you lose focus. Sero was standing still on a tightrope, he was suspended above a pool of soy sauce, it seemed he had fallen if a few times. Uraraka was continuously doing flips midair as a part of her trapeze acts, she was trying to fixed her terrible bowl movement as she gets sick easily. Kirishima and Ojiro were sparring, letting kirishima get use to the pain and Ojiro improve on his move-set. Kaminari was trying to make tokoyami laugh with his jokes, and tokoyami has to use his dark persona to be able to not laugh, this is so he could learn not to break character again.

Koda was attempting to tame a raccoon, using a confidence boost to use his voice more often. Aoyama was screaming his highest pitch, trying to switch between really high and really low notes. Iida was improvising his characters, switching between many different characters and making a unique monologue each time. Asui wanted her Contemporary dance to feel more like her favourite, she was studying the movement of frogs and perfect re-created it into dance. Sato was stuffy his face full of cake whilst lifting weights, gaining and burning weight makes his muscles use to the stress.

Momo was trying to improve her flexibility, doing many stretches and trying to get her body use it the pain. Jirou was trying to play all of her instruments at once, also trying to make her hearing more sensitive by plugging those instruments unit her headphones and put them on full volume. Ashido was constantly breakdancing, not being aloud to stop unless she would have to hug mineta, who was told that if he stop juggling he would have 1 of his magazines taken away, he never stopped juggling. Shoji was trying to use his puppet without any mouth movements and hagakure was playing an extreme game of hide and seek with mr.Aizawa. Deku was in the woods by himself, he was instructed to make sure that voice was loud and clear whilst he sings, being surrounded by a dark woods increased his anxiety meaning his voice will be cracking. Bakugo hated the fact that he was alone in the woods, to prob his anxiety like that was starting to piss him off, especially after what happened.

As the day began to rest, the atmosphere fell into an exhausted aura. The teachers exclaimed that they would have to make their own food from now on, which only made the students whine with dreary eyes. Everyone was in pain, but they got through it. The food was terrible but they were so starving that it still tasted like liquid gold.

A friendly atmosphere started to developed while they were eating, regaining energy from the long day that they just had. The group regaining their chaotic energy back only made Deku and Kaachan more tired. Kaachan had lost his voice, which only provoked Deku to make fun of him. To Deku's surprise, He started to get really sleepy, not paying attention Deku's silly insults. Deku felt a thud on his shoulder as he felt blond strands of hair stick into his cheeks. Kaachan had feel asleep on his shoulder.

This was so cute Deku felt like he was going to die. This was something he would do not Kaachan, his training must have taken a tole on him. Deku place his own chin on Bakugo's surprisingly soft hair, he could smell the caramel. Bakugo was someone worth living for, bakugo was someone worth protecting. Deku was happy in his life because of him.

Deku, in his tired delirious state, noticed that Kota headed out into the woods. The sun was a already down and deku worried that he would get lost. Deku had the urge to follow but kaachan's snoring state was a weight that Deku couldn't bring himself to push off. Still Deku gently lifted Bakugo's head and placed it on the table softly. Kaachan stirred in his sleep, making Deku chuckle at this vulnerability side he is so willing to show in front of deku. He looked around to make sure no one was looking and he gently placed his lips on kaachan's forehead, " I'll be right back Kaachan." He whispered, and trailed into the forest.

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