Chapter 14

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Bakugo softly spread the pain killer lotion against the scarred skin, his hands almost recoiling at the tough texture. Though deku made it very clear that he didn't have to, Bakugo was adamant that he would do a more accurate job. It has been 2 weeks since deku left the hospital, which means it has been 2 weeks of this new relationship that they shared. To their relief, nothing felt awkward between the two boys, they continued to the same thing like they use to do, just with an extra kiss here and there and a lot more cuddles when they fell asleep next to each other. In the words of they friends, they were incredibly wholesome. Both of them felt complete, their dreams had become a reality and now they could love one another without feeling guilty. Bakugo was lost in thought as he patiently felt his hand numbing to the repetitive movement. He wouldn't admit it yet, but he loved the life he lived now. He got into his dream school, have ( dare he say it) a great group of friends and now he is in a relationship with his dream guy. He enjoyed looking after deku the way he did, sure he would sometimes panic when they were cuddling because he couldn't tell if deku was breathing or not, but having someone to protect and love felt right for the spiky-haired blond. He snapped out of his thought as he felt deku's body wince at the sudden movement bakugo unintentionally did. Bakugo apologized and stopped applying the lotion, choosing to join deku in his semi sitting up, semi lying down position, placing a protective arm around his shoulder.

"Does it still hurt ?" Bakugo said, bringing himself closer to the body. "It's just a bit saw. The pain-killers will kick in soon." Deku said cheerful as always, as if he didn't want to worry the protective blond. He placed his head on the taller boy's shoulder, enjoying the company. This was like a fairytale for deku, the one person he admired the most, was holding him in such a loving and delicate ways. It was a miracle that he never felt patronized by kacchan, but instead he felt loved and cared for. This was truly worth living for.

"Wanna watch a movie ?" Kaachan spoke, realising they were just sitting in silence, enjoying each other's company. Deku looked up, he hasn't watched many movies, apart from watching clips of all the films that all might had taken part of. "Sure ? What movie ?" Deku sat up a little bit in glee. Bakugo looked at the small boy, wondering what film that both could enjoy. Deku was a sappy child, he knew exactly what he would like. "Knowing a nerd like you, you probably want to watch a Disney movie right ?" He chuckled to himself. Even bakugo didn't mind their films, the sense of wonder was always magical to him. Plus, now that he looked back, he loved the Disney princes as a child, he used to find them badass and quite infatuating.

"What's Disney?" Deku innocently asked, looking up at kacchan with big curious eye. Bakugo felt like he was the one with the bullet wound now,  his grin fall and his heart fall into a pit. Did he really not know what Disney was? He knew that deku was unable to have a proper childhood, but it wasn't a childhood if you didn't have Disney. "Wait are you serious ?" Bakugo stumbled over his words, he sounded hurt. Deku looked down, he felt a bit stupid for not knowing something bakugo seemed to be passionate about. This sad aura disturbed bakugo which prompted him the cup deku's face and lift it up to face him. "Guess I'm gonna have to let you experience what should have been your childhood. I'm gonna treat you too my favorite one, so you better not complain !!" Bakugo said softly, leaning in to kiss the small boy's cheek. He got up and carefully princess carried deku to his room, because obviously deku didn't have a tv in his. Deku was startled by the sudden shift between disappointment and understanding within Bakugo's demeanor. But deku could feel the tension and tight grasp that Bakugo had on him, almost holding him like a sense of urgency. Now that most of their class knew, they weren't that bothered to be discovered when they were being "wholesome",  so being carried around the dorms was no longer as quick as it used to be. None the less, they managed to only get a few awes from a few of their classmates, narrowly avoiding the chaotic whirlpool that is the bakusquad.

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