Chapter 21

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Izuku stared at (what he presumed was) the grimy wall. He didn't know how far away or close his face was to it, but he tried his best to see if he can pick out details of its mold. He had been practicing to find if his eye sight was getting any better, which it did. Everything became less dark, on the other hand, everything became unbearably blurry, which constantly gave him a headache due to his eyes constantly needing to strain. He patiently started at the rocks, desperately trying to see if his eyes would finally focus on something. But alas, he gave up before his already pounding headache would make his head explode. He turned around and leaned back on the wall with a big sigh leaving his breath. Katsuki was asleep next to him, softly snoring next to lap. He had fallen asleep on Izuku's thighs in the first place, until Deku gently slid away to pursue his experiment. He felt guilty about this, as he looked at the blurry blob that was assumed to be his boyfriends body. He searched for his head and lifted him back up into his embrace. Katsuki had been sleeping a lot the pass few days, mainly due to the stress and fatigue of worrying about his boyfriend, which made Izuku feel incredibly guilty. He brushed his hand through the hair, feeling him stir below him and lovingly nuzzle himself back onto the warmth. Izuku knew this would be the most adorable sight in the world.... but he couldn't see it, no matter how much he wanted to. He sighed, he didn't know he could get so ... sight deprived. He missed his boyfriend's grumpy face so much he couldn't believe it, it was the equivalent to a craving at this point. Everything was so fustrating, his boyfriend's delicate face is only just out of reach... or more out of sight. Everything hurt, his wounds have not healed at all, all the  scratched and minor scars are now seeping with puss due to the lack of medical treatment. He just wanted to get out of here, he forgot why he was so content before, he just really wants to escape no matter the cost-

Izuku ?" A sweet voice echoed from the other side of the room, startling the greenhaired boy from his pessimistic thoughts. "Yeah Eri ?" He replied, feeling bad for forgetting the other vulnerable figure in the room. Eri had remained silent since Izuku's return, putting herself on the other side of the room due to her guilty conscience. She understood why he would be more focused on other things, but the sight of him struggling to get his sight back only sent a pit down her stomach, making her recoil in the corner. However, she couldn't take the silence anymore, he was her knew family and she told herself that she was being selfish to reject Izuku because of her own insecurities, She was very mature for a 6 year old child.

"What do stars look like ?" She blatantly questioned, something that Deku was not expecting. "Why do you ask ?" Izuku smiled sweetly, unaware of her whereabouts in the room, gently offering out his hand as a sigh to come closer. He no longer liked people staging far away from him, not only because it made him feel alone, but he couldn't tell their energy from that far. Eri sat next to the motherly figure, sitting on the opposite side where Katsuki was a resting. Deku gently wrapped his arm around the girl's shoulder, bringing her in closer knowing she probably also yearned for a hug. Eri couldn't help but feel guilty of the situation, Deku had been possibly-permanently blinded with many other wounds scattered around his body, and yet he was the one who was giving most of the support, it felt unfair for him. Nevertheless, she didn't feel right to mention this injustice, and proceeded to explain her reasoning for such an 'out-of-the-blue' question.

"Katsuki describes those spots on your face as stars, and I heard that they are really pretty but I have never seen them." She said quietly, playing with the seem of her dress. Izuku stared out for a moment, realising that it's probably best for him to close his eyes before they start to sting. He hummed to himself, the sadness of this little girl seemed to grow and grow the more he spends time with her, which was obviously not her fault. "You mean my freckles ? Why don't you ask Katsuki?" He pointed up at his face, shivering at accidentally touching that rough scar on his left cheek. He sighed, this conversation was going to turn more depressing, as the mention of being able to see stars might send him past his limit of this unbearable frustration. He also missed the stars, but it felt inappropriate for a blind man to speak about the beautiful sights of the world.

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