Chapter 25

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"Are you sure you want me here.... this is personal business." Deku asked, adjusting his clip-on bow-tie as they walked through the dark streets of Musutafu. It was a Saturday night, and the city was alive and buzzing, the smoky smell of a crisp autumn night raided their sense, rendering them feeling lively around the illuminating street signs of the metropolis. They were given the all clear from the school and the police to be able to go out, granted as long as they were driven to their destination, which was fine considering nether of them were up for the possibility of being kidnapped a second time. They stood in front of a large establishment that you could already tell was fancy due to the golden lettering of it's ( probably french ) title. Deku was quivering in his red boots, which he insisted on keeping on even with his formal attire that bakugo happily got for him, he felt so out of place, and very anxious about this whole ideal. Calling bakugo nervous was an understatement, but he refused to show it, he just needed this stupid night over and done with, the only benefit is that he could see how fucking cute izuku was in a suit.

"You are personal business." Bakugo stated, playing with the cuffs of his long red shirt. Smooth, realllll smooth. Deku nervously chuckled, elbowing the side of the blond with a playful fear that seemed to be deku's signature expression. "Cute but not helpful kacchan." He laughed, feeling pressure push him down just a little bit. Bakugo just smirked and ruffled the fluffy haired boy's head, even though he knew the pour soul spend a considerable amount of time styling it. "Your welcome, and besides, it's time my parents meet the love of my life right ?" The blond swooned, the flirtiest he has ever been... like ever. It's probably because of the suits, and the fancy ass restaurant. Nonetheless, deku counted this as playful banta, slapping his hands onto either side of cheeks, reminiscent to a certain screaming painting from 1893 or a certain Christmas film cover.  "Oh No I'm MeEtiNg ThE pArEnTs!" He whined, hiding his actual panic behind his fake one. Bakugo just laughed, nudging him on the side whilst winking playfully. "That's the spirit..." he said in his best jokey voice, before looking back at the intimidatingly posh restaurant in front of him. "I do need you though, I feel like i need a calm headed angel to reason me out.... two gremlins is too hard for my old fart to handle by himself." He tried to reason, but in actual fact, he didn't want to face his parents without some sort of shred of light in his path. His parents, his mum especially, were like black holes, sucking any fun or positive development that Katsuki may experience by criticising his choices and putting him down. Great parental figures my ass. The couple gained a bit of courage and awkwardly walked in, waiting by the entrance for a busy waiter to notice them. Deku was beading sweat, the candle lights and the distance sounds of cheering and wine glasses clinking was all just a bit too much, especially from a child who grew up eating from trash cans after school if necessary.

"T-This is really f-fancy." The smaller boy stuttered, shaking and jittering at how miniscule he felt in this gold bar of an establishment. Bakugo just looked down towards the boy, unable to explain to himself why he found this so goddamn adorable. He chuckled, and brought the boy closer towards him to share one intimate moment before they enter the dragon's domain. "I forgot you still suffer from culture shock, this is not that much of a big deal." He smirked, speaking into the boy's ear due to the loud ambiance, he was pretty sure he might have to crank down the sensitivity on his hearing aids. He didn't mean to sound pretentious, but he instantly realised his words weren't the most comforting after he saw deku's fed up expression, looking slightly insulted. "Big deal? I'm practically in a millionaires dinning room! I'm sorry mr big shot but restaurants aren't part of my statue quo." Deku pouted, sassily crossing his arms like a child. "Bun.... this is a steakhouse.... calm down." Bakugo couldn't help but chuckle, before delicately pushing back the smaller boy's green curls and placing his lips on the scarred forehead. He knew that this was the last bit of PDA couple moment they could share before meeting his parents, because if he remembers correctly, this wasn't going to be pretty. Deku blushes, and instantly calmed down by the soft sensation, he coughed to regain his already fleeting masculinity, playing with the rims of his striped blazer jacket as if he was in an action movie. "Right, right.... sorry." A waiter finally noticed them, and after Katsuki gave them his name, they were directed through dining hall, twisting and turning through the many occupied seats, to reach to the back, where there was a fancy table with two spikey haired parents waiting. Mitsuki perked herself up after noticing blond spikes coming her way, sitting up at her son's presence with her usually pissed off expression. "Ahhh Katsuki, it's about time you show up!!" she spoke with a hint of sarcasm, tapping on the edge of the table with impatience. She didn't even stand up to greet her son, unlike her husband who ungraciously stood up and embraced his son, who surprisingly embraced him back. Bakugo just grunted at his mother's lovely welcoming, this was going to be longer than he thought. His mother snapped out of her passive aggressive state when the sight of familar green curls came to view, she practically began to glow, smiling brighter than she did for her own son.

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