Chapter 5

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Korie's P.O.V

I arrived at work at about 7:00 a.m. and as soon as I entered the elephant barn the entire zookeeper staff was there to ask about my date. Loren fought her way to the front of the crowd "I'm her best friend...I'll ask the first question!" The barn got quiet "So...did you kiss her?" I could feel myself turn red "Yes. I did." Loren squealed with excitement "I'm so proud of you for actually trying to date someone." I nodded and said it's time for me to find my one and only.

The entire staff then said "Awwww" and after that I quickly threw them out. "Okay go to work you fools. Stop pestering me" I laughed. Loren then approached me as we started working and asked me some more questions about the date. I didn't feel so awkward talking to Loren about this stuff. But she's my best friend and I value her opinion.

"So the kid topic came up briefly" I spoke. She paused "Does she want kids?" I told her she does and I knew what was coming next "Does she know you can't carry a child?" I shook my head "All I said was I'd like to have kids, which isn't a lie. I just can't carry them." She took a breath in "I know it was the first date. But you do need to tell her if you two get more serious. She may want both her and her spouse to carry a baby. You never know." I nodded "Yeah. It just wasn't an easy subject to bring up just yet."

Loren hugged me "Look. You are my sister and I love you more than you know! And I'm proud of you for trying to settle down finally after Allie fucked you over. But be open and honest with Meghan. Something tells me she's a good one and will understand anything you throw at her." I smiled and hugged her back "Thanks Loren."

"Geez Loren will you just leave Aaron and marry Korie already" Steve said entering the barn. Loren rolled her eyes "Why so you can try to move in on my husband?" Steve is bisexual for the record. Steve laughed "He is a good looking man. I'd treat him like a queen." We all laughed and got back to work so we would be on time for lunch.

Around noon I figured I'd call Meghan to see how her day was going. When she didn't answer I just figured she was busy and moved on with my day. "Hey Aaron and I are eating downtown tonight at Oliver's if you want to join" Loren offered. Italian sounded so good to me "Yeah I'd love that. If you don't mind me third wheeling it."

Loren laughed "You could offer Meghan to join us it is right by the hospital." I told her I'd call Meghan to offer and that I would meet her there at 7:00 but had a show tonight at 10:00. After I got home I took a quick shower and got my guitar and stuff together. I then called Meghan to offer her to join us for dinner but once again she didn't answer. So I made my way to the restaurant.

I didn't think much of her not responding all day as she is a freaking surgeon. But that changed a little when I looked in the window at Oliver's and saw her dining with some lady. I froze in my tracks and was brought back to reality by a car honking at me. I then glanced back at Meghan and she clearly saw me and we shared an awkward stare.

I didn't know what to do so I turned around and walked away. I called Loren "Hey. I can't make it to Oliver's something came up and I gotta prep for my set tonight at Gibbie's bar." She said it was okay but the kids were sad to not see their Auntie Korie. I told her I'd make it up to them soon and made my way to Gibbie's to practice with the band.

"Hey are you okay" Ben asked me breaking my thoughts. I nodded and assured him I was fine and just had stuff on my mind. I mean in all reality she can date who she wants...we are not going steady. I just thought we had a good connection going on. But again we only went on one date. I'm just not used to being caught up on one woman, it's been two years since I've had just one woman on my mind after all.

"Dude are you sure you're okay" Ben asked. Before I could speak Loren appeared at my side "What is going on Kor? You never cancel on me or your beloved God children." I love how well she actually knows me! And she's right I love Jaden and Scottie more than any of my own family members!

I explained to her the situation today with Meghan and how she ignored me all day. "I mean I have no right to really be mad...but I am a little hurt" I said honestly. She smiled at me "'ve got it bad for this girl!" I nodded "I know and that's what's so dumb. We went on one date. But I want to know more about her and maybe eventually try to be with her."

I kind of shocked myself with my honest emotions coming out so easily. But Loren has a way of getting me to say what I actually mean and I love her for that. "Well Korie all I can say is contact her and hear her out. It may not be what it seemed" she spoke. The negative side in me doubted it but I told her I'd text her after the show.

It was now midnight and we were packing up the band to go home for the night. "Hey Korie. I hope it works out with Meghan. Contact her and talk about it" Ben said patting me on the shoulder. I assured him I would talk to her and that I hoped this was just a misunderstanding.

As soon as I made it to my car I pulled my phone out and saw that Meghan had called. Now I felt like an asshole because I didn't want her to think I was ignoring her. I shot her a quick text asking if she was awake. I waited twenty minutes and after receiving no response I headed home for the night.

The entire ride home I couldn't get Meghan out of my head and it saddened me to think "we" could be over before we really even began. My phone then rang as I entered my apartment. I whipped it out hoping to see Meghan's number on my screen...but it was Loren.

"Hey" I answered. "Hey girl. Was just checking to make sure you made it home. Anything from Meghan yet?" she asked. I sighed "No. I missed a call and so far no response but it is almost 1:00 in the morning." Loren suggested that I just forget about it tonight and get some rest.

After putting my t shirt and boy shorts on I climbed in bed and checked my phone one last time. Still no messages but it is super late and she does work tomorrow. I stare at the empty pillow next to me until I drift off to sleep.

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