Chapter 7

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The past week had felt surreal. Not because of anything happening but because of the lack of anything happening. My injuries were healing up nicely and my routine was uninterrupted: wake up, go to work, come back, have some free time, and go to sleep. Everything was normal.

"But that's all I wanted wasn't it? For things to be normal- I don't trust this." I waved in farewell to my coworkers and stifled a yawn as I walked out to my car. "I still can't get enough sleep with all the nightmares... Something bad is going to happen. It has to. This is all just building up to something."

I sat in my car for a moment before turning it on and pulling out of the parking lot. Rather than going home though, I began driving to the park where I'd ended up getting hit. "If I go there maybe I'll get whatever they're planning over with... I can't just sit around waiting and imagining what could happen!"

Once there I parked and stared out at the large playground crawling with disgusting beings called children. Even from a distance I could tell they were drenched in sweat and my face contorted into one of disgust- I'd never understand why anyone would want them. But I wasn't here to pay attention to them, I was here for the walking paths in the forest beyond the playground. There was no guarantee I'd find anything or that anything was going to happen but maybe I'd get some answers, and if not I would at least get a nice walk out of it.

The paths went deep into the forest, though the map clearly depicted a lot more trees beyond where the trails began turning back. "I was probably back in there... Should I try going that far? No, no- don't want to get lost back there if it starts getting dark."

I picked a medium length path and began my walk into the trees. The leaves provided a nice screen between me and the sun, though the light still managed to dapple the ground and keep it brightly lit. I wasn't much of a nature person despite enjoying how walking could clear my head, but even I had to admit it was relaxing to hear the rustle of leaves above along with birds chirping on the occasion.

About half way done with the trail the peaceful feeling broke. Loud snapping sounds from branches being broken underfoot made me tense up alertly as I looked around for any sign of who was in the area. Red flannel caught my eye and I stared, a sinking feeling going through me, as I saw the man walking back to the path a short ways in front of me.

"Surely it can't be that same guy. I mean... he looks like- oh what did he say his name was? Tim? ...Yeah, I think so..." I debated whether or not to wait until he reached the path or risk continuing on walking by so my back was to him. "Was this a set up? Maybe- maybe the idea to come here wasn't mine... It felt like mine. I couldn't hear the noise- the grating whispering. Is this... just a coincidence? Can't be- nothing is when it comes to whatever those things are."

The man was on the edge of the path now, pausing as if to get his bearings before noticing me. For a moment we just stared at each other before I awkwardly looked away and began walking forward again, trying to stay on the opposite side of the path. Now that I was this close there was little doubt in my mind it was Tim- I didn't know many people who had sideburns like that.

I heard his footsteps follow after me before hearing him speak up, his voice hesitant and uncertain. "Hey, uh, sorry... Have we met?"

"Dammit... it has to be him then. How did he even recognize me?" I looked back at him curiously, as if just paying attention to him. "Uh... I think so? Your um, Tim? Right?"

"Yeah." He caught up as I came to a stop and I could tell he was shaken up over something.

A bad feeling crept over me but I pushed it to the side; it was only my anxiety acting up again. Everything was fine. He wasn't a complete stranger- just mostly one. "Ashley, I- I'm the idiot who ran in front of your car."

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