Chapter 14

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Four weeks later

Things had fallen back into my normal pattern, almost like Tim had never been around. Except now things were worse. My friends were still missing and while Zac was still checking in- thankfully over the phone like I asked- I now had a new problem with Angel as well. The vet had confirmed my suspicions about her loss of weight and strange dark color growing in her eyes; cancer.

There was nothing I could do for her other than wait and see how it progressed- at least according to the veterinarian. I hated it despite being told she wasn't in pain. Between worrying about her and the feeling of being watched, I was barely able to do more than pick at my food most nights- tonight was no different.

"I still can't see anything out there..." I stared out into the dark before closing the curtain and taking my left over dinner to the fridge.

After checking the rest of the windows I fell into bed to toss and turn until Angel left. I was still half awake when I heard something fall on the tiled floor in the bathroom. I froze and held my breath as I continued listening but heard nothing further and soon assumed it was just the cat. I nervously continued to watch the door for a few more minutes and contemplated checking the house again just to be sure before deciding against it.

"If someone was here I would know by now." I settled down again and finally managed to drift off into a light sleep.

A creak made me snap awake and glance to my door to see a hooded figure step in with Angel in his arms. Fear threatened to cover any rational thought as I saw the man petting her with a gloved hand, as if he wasn't breaking and entering.

"No... Not her too!" I nervously sat up, never taking my eyes off Angel.

"Good, you're up." The man sounded amused as he leaned closer, his dark hood hiding his facial features as always. "Our master is getting impatient. You had plenty of chances... and you didn't take them. Wouldn't want to get in trouble, now would we? Someone might get hurt... Just remember what I did to Alice- and she was a warm up."

He laughed and tightened his grip on Angel slightly, though she didn't seem to mind. I shifted again, noticing I was shaking from nerves as I tried to think of ways to get the proxy to put my cat down. "Don't... don't hurt her. You'll wish your 'master' would kill you if you do."

"Oh yeah?" He chuckled at my attempt at a threat and let her jump down before pulling out a knife. "Wanna prove that?"

I didn't move and we sat in silence for a few minutes before he slid the knife back into its sheath. "That's what I thought. Find him- find them- and finish your job, Pawn. Last warning."

The figure gave one last menacing laugh as he left, quickly disappearing by the time I jumped out of bed and ran to my doorway. He was long gone- had probably ran as soon as he was out of sight. Despite knowing I wouldn't find him I went around and checked for the intruder hiding somewhere or the place he'd entered and exited from- nothing.

"I should move, maybe they won't find me... least if I keep moving- at least to lessen the chance of it." I jumped slightly as Angel brushed against my leg before picking her up and checking her for injuries. "She's okay... I wish I was."

Naturally my cat didn't seem shaken by what had just happened, as she was much too passive to care about strangers. At the moment she was just concerned about going back to bed and I let her squirm free while sighing and trying to recollect myself. "I should be used to this shit by now... why am I like this?"

I paused as I walked by the bathroom and noticed something reflecting in the mirror. Unease rose in my stomach as I flipped on the light and revealed a message written in black marker: Leading them to death. They are watching.

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