Chapter 58

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The sound of mumbling and restless tossing woke me. I glanced over at Tim as he fidgeted in his sleep, clearly having a nightmare. It wasn't uncommon but this one did seem particularly bad- or perhaps I just wasn't sleeping as well as usual.

I moved closer and carefully shook him, not wanting his movements to hurt his injuries. "Tim... Tim, wake up."

My whispering grew louder until I felt him calm down. He gave a sound of discomfort as he moved and I shifted away again. His voice was groggy and seemed confused about what was happening. "You're alive..."

"Well I hope I am." I mumbled, though a feeling of dread settled in me at his words. "...Why wouldn't I be?"

"You fell... I couldn't- I found you dying just like everyone else... It stopped me from helping you just like Jay..." He was already trailing off again as he began falling back asleep.

"It's going to turn out differently this time." I settled back down again. "Will it really? Can three of us really do anything against those things?"

Arms wrapped around me and I felt him reposition on his side so my back was protectively pressed against his chest. His deep, slow breathing already indicating he'd fallen back asleep. I felt my face warm up at the thought of Jay coming in a few hours from now to make sure we were awake and seeing this.

"It'll just prove his point even more that Tim 'needs me'." I scoffed and began dozing off again. "He dealt with it before... surely he could again, right? He looked like a wreck the first time he thought I died... and the second... I can't do that to him again."

I glanced back at him, guilt rising in my chest. "What if he dies? Or if this doesn't work? ...What if I end up making things worse- or end up killing him like... like I killed Zac? Hell, I could be leading both of them to their deaths..."

Anger flooded my mind at the thought. Those things had taken everything from me, Tim, and who knew how many others. "The least I can do is repay the favor!"

Eventually I managed to doze back off again, my mind slipping in and out between being aware of my surroundings and the visions of the violence soon to come. I felt like it was only a few minutes rather than hours by the time I woke up and got ready.

"Ready?" I walked out to where Skully was standing off to the side of the room watching Tim smoking outside.

He jumped slightly at my voice, as if I'd disrupted him from his thoughts. "Huh- Oh, yeah... you sure you can do this?"

"Just let me get some painkillers in me and I will be."

There was silence as I got the pain medication out and took some. Looking back at him, I saw Skully quickly backing away from the window. Moments later Tim came back in and shot him a glance before seeing me.

"I'm guessing I can't change your mind?"

"This ends today." I nearly growled the words. "No more distractions. This is something we should've done long ago."

"I have the car ready... Let me grab my pills and we can go."

As soon as he was out of hearing range Skully got up and walked over to me. "We can't let him come with us. He'll ruin the plan."

"I trust him to help. He wants this to be over just as much as us- maybe moreso."

The mask's eyes bore into me. "Are you sure? Seems like it's a little more than just trust to me."

"What?" As soon as the word was out of my mouth I knew what he meant. A scowl crossed my face; this wasn't something I wanted to discuss, especially not with him. "The plan is fine. Besides, Tim and I aren't... together like that. It just helps with nightmares..."

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