Chapter 18

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The next day, I found myself in a building rather than in the forest, though I could still see it through the broken window. I slowly got up and looked out into the hallway, unnerved by how familiar the building was with its peeling paint and graffitied walls. I nervously crossed my arms, holding them tightly to my chest, and began wandering around the maze like halls. Several rooms lined the hallways but each one was empty and I didn't dare go in for a closer look in fear of someone showing up and cornering me inside.

"Why was I brought here? ...Why does it look familiar?" I paused as I turned into a long hallway with trees lining one side where I assumed windows had once been. The man in the yellow hoodie was casually walking down the hall with his back to me, either ignoring my presence or unaware I was behind him. "I really shouldn't keep playing whatever game this is... but I need my keys so I can actually leave."

I became more tactical with my steps, making sure to avoid any debris that would give away my presence. Even then I made sure to keep several yards behind him until I could figure out how I'd get my keys back. Surely it wouldn't just be as easy as running up and taking them from his pocket; he probably had some kind of weapon with him. He disappeared around a corner and by the time I caught up he had ducked into one of the rooms. My pace slowed even more, the feeling of being jumped at any second growing with each room I passed.

Paranoia shot through me as I reached the end of the hallway without finding him. I glanced around before freezing as a high pitched ringing began muffling my hearing. "One of them is here..."

I stared at the corner I'd been about to walk past and glanced around it to find The Operator standing at the end of the hall. My muscles tensed and I took off back the way I'd come, hoping the thing hadn't noticed me. There was a flash of yellow as I made it halfway down the hallway before I was grabbed and yanked into one of the rooms, a gloved hand clamping over my mouth as I shouted and fought against being dragged further into the room. My shout quickly turned to coughing and my struggling weakened as the man ducked down behind a broken shelf and pulled me down with him, still covering my mouth to muffle the sound I was making.

"Wait... why is he helping me?" I tried to move away again only to be jerked back against him, this time close enough to feel his chest rapidly rising and falling as we waited in near silence for The Operator to leave. "Least I know he's not working for it I guess..."

The whitenoise got louder and I wrenched forward as my coughing fit worsened and tightly shut my eyes. The grip on me loosened and I hunched over completely, blood speckling the ground as the fit continued. As the sound faded away and the coughing ceased, I slumped to the ground trying to catch my breath as blood dripped from my lips. I heard the hooded man get up and the sound of my keys jangling as they were dropped in front of me.

I looked up at him, following his gaze to read the wall across from us: 'He is a liar'. My gaze fell back to the wall next to us to find a second message: 'Follow me.' Both messages were faded but clearly had to mean something given the guy had chosen this specific room to hide in. I sat up and grabbed my keys, flinching back as the man knelt down so I was staring into the red eyes of his mask.

"What? Why did you bring me here? ...Tell me!" Irritation burned through my veins.

Silence greeted my words and the man jumped to his feet, pausing to stare at something above the doorway across the hall, before running out of the room. I got to my feet, hearing something rattle in the pocket of my jacket, and pulled out an unlabeled bottle with a few white pills in the bottom.

"Why did he give me these? He can't seriously think I'm stupid enough to take unknown drugs." I tossed the bottle onto the ground and walked out of the room.

My gaze fell to the newer message that had been spray painted on the wall: 'What are you? Show us the truth'.

"What? Who's us? What truth? The truth is my life is a nightmare! It's pretty obvious I'd say." I shook my head and began wandering around again, finally finding the entrance to the building without running into further problems. "This wasn't worth getting my keys back."

I looked around, relieved to see an overgrown road leading away from the buildings as I got closer to a second, taller building. It was doubtful I'd make it straight to my car but at least I'd be getting away from this place and the surrounding forest. I went still as the sound of someone shouting in the forest caught my attention followed by branches being snapped as they got closer. With no way to tell who it was or what they might do, I quickly changed course and ran into the larger building to hide, hoping whoever was out there would pass by.

Static was at the edges of my mind again and I bolted to the stairs as I found The Operator watching from the other side of the entrance's large open room. I barely considered whether or not the floor was sturdy enough to hold my weight, especially not when seconds later I heard someone charging up the stairs after me. It wasn't hard to guess who it was given there probably weren't many people in the area and I didn't bother to look back as I ran through the building.

I didn't notice part of the floor had crumbled away with only rotten boards to cover it until it was too late. The sound of splintering wood met my ears seconds before it gave way and dropped me through. A shout escaped me as I felt the jagged edges tear into my arms as I grabbed the edge of the hole, blood freely dripping down my skin as I tried to pull myself up. I glanced down to see hard concrete and rubble below and gritted my teeth against the pain from the fresh cuts; my old shoulder wound began hindering my grip as well, as pain began lacing through my left shoulder.

The red frowny face glanced down at me for a second, his steps slow and cautious as he approached, before glancing over his shoulder as someone else stormed up the stairs.

"Brian!" I didn't want to believe who it was as I heard them yell at the man standing over me. Seconds later the call came again, growing closer. "Brian, is that you?"

The man- Brian- looked down at me once more before running off deeper into the building as Tim's footsteps drew closer. I desperately tried to adjust my grip, feeling my hands slipping from the blood and sweat on them, and prayed Tim would help.

"Get back he- Ashley?" He hurried closer looking confused and alarmed as I continued fighting to drag myself to safety. "What are you doing here?"

The board cracked under the additional weight as he stepped closer and I yelped as it caved downward, nearly losing my unsable grip entirely; I was starting to feel light headed. "...W-wait..."

Tim backed off before circling around to the sturdier flooring behind me and leaned forward. "Grab my hand."

"Can I?" I stared at his outstretched hand for a moment before jerkily letting go and grabbing it, wincing at the strain on my shoulder once more before he helped pull me up.

I was visibly shaking and swayed as I stood there, barely registering the deep punctures and scrapes on my arms under my jacket sleeves, as my vision began spotting. Tim said something and tugged me back to the stairs, though I wasn't quite sure what he'd said let alone if it was important. I stumbled after him before staggering to a halt a few steps later as my legs gave out. I flinched as I tried catching myself with my hands and rolled onto my side with a hiss of pain. My vision went white for a second before plunging me into darkness. 

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