Chapter 10

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I hadn't meant to offer to let Tim stay at my place- perhaps I was due to the remnants of the disorientation- but at least he was paying a share of the rent while I landed a new job. Still, the first few days had been awkward between our different schedules and just getting to know each other. At least now things had settled into a regular pattern... it only took several weeks to get here.

I stared out at the shadowed gas pumps from behind the gas station counter. It wasn't the best job but for now it would have to do. "Almost time to lock up."

I turned and grabbed a broom, quickly sweeping the small building and checking the shelves for anything that needed restocked. Tonight hadn't been busy and as expected, the shelves were still fully stocked. I put the broom back and knelt down behind the counter to see if the trash needed taken out before hearing the bell above the door ring, signalling someone had entered.

I quickly stood up and looked around. "Hello?"

The fluorescent lights made it impossible for anyone to just hide yet I couldn't see anyone ducking down or anything. "Odd... maybe it was a breeze and the door wasn't completely shut?"

Scuffling came from near the soda machine, conveniently hidden from my sight currently. Unease wormed its way into my head and I went to the side room to check the cameras; they were filled with static. I pulled out my phone and went to the camera, wondering if the security system was janky or worse... if Slenderman was somewhere nearby.

"I haven't noticed either of those creatures for weeks... surely not right...? Or- or not... maybe it was just waiting..." My camera was displaying completely normal video and image function. "Could be a regular customer and I honestly just didn't notice... I need to go back out there."

This time I leaned over the counter as far as I could to look for anyone at the soda machine. "If anyone's here, we're about to close!"

I tried to ignore the feeling of being watched as the silence met my words. At this point I was sure that if someone was inside they weren't friendly. I grabbed the keys to lock up and quickly went to grab my things. "Best to leave..."

The humming of the lights above was severed as the power was cut, stopping me in my tracks. A shadowed figure that had been hiding in the back corner hurried through the aisles and darted through the front door, quickly disappearing into the night before I could get much detail. Now I was certain something was going to happen, yet I still choked back a scream as I turned and saw the tall figure of Slenderman.

I staggered back into the small break room, my heart putting on a sudden burst of speed from the panic. The fear was already making me light headed and it only grew worse as I continued to watch him. I tripped over my own feet and fell backward, my head slamming into the wall, and I slumped limply to the ground. Static filled my ears while black dots slowly consumed my vision... Everything became black.


A song playing woke me up and I groggily leaned forward and rubbed the back of my head before looking around for the source of the sound; my phone. I picked it up and stared at the name for a moment before fully processing who it was.

"Tim?" I looked around the room to look at the clock, relieved the power was on again so I could see.

"Where are you?" He seemed... shaken? I couldn't quite tell.

I mentally cursed when I realized how late I was compared to when I said I'd be getting back. "Sorry... Took longer to close than normal- busy night... Something wrong?"

A sigh of relief came from the other end. "It's nothing... I uh, I had some cases where people running late ended badly."

"I'll be back shortly." I didn't press him further, though that was an interesting thing to say. "Maybe I'll ask some other time..."

The drive home was only a few minutes. I quickly made my way into the apartment, sending one last glance over my shoulder, before locking the door behind me. I jumped slightly as I heard something in the kitchen, though upon walking into the room I saw it was only Tim closing a drawer.

He looked over at me as I entered. "You look tired."

"It was a long night." I didn't try to deny it.

Tim picked up his bowl and walked back out to the couch, pausing to look at me. "There's still more out there if you want some."

I glanced over to the counter before shaking my head, earning a wave of pain from the movement. "Nah... I'm just going to feed the cat and get some rest..."

"I already fed her, she wouldn't stop nagging me until I did." I could tell he was watching me as I continued walking towards my room. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Oh, uh... thanks then." I paused for a moment before answering his question. "I'm just tired- like I said, work was busy tonight."

I slowly got around to getting ready for bed and made sure to keep my door open so Angel could come and go as she pleased in the night. A light cough escaped me as I laid down but otherwise sleep came relatively quickly compared to most nights- most likely thanks to hitting my head against a wall.


A coughing fit forced me awake and I rolled over, clenching my teeth to hold it back while I reached for the water bottle I kept near my bed. However, a dark shadow of a figure standing near the doorway distracted me and the urge to cough was soon becoming tangled with the urge to scream. Neither sound came out of my mouth. As my eyes adjusted rapidly to the darkness I realized my door was now shut as well... and this dark hooded man looked like the one I'd seen run out of the gas station earlier.

He shifted his head up, making it clear he knew I was awake, before lunging at me with an animalistic growl. A squeaking yelp managed to escape me before a gloved hand covered my mouth. I shuddered as the man leaned over me, putting his head near my ear.

"Disappointing..." His grip tightened before he sat up to stare down at me. "Don't fail us... you know, I would've killed him by now."

I struggled to push him away and pry his hand from my mouth but he only chuckled and grabbed my wrists with his free hand before shifting to pin them with his leg. I attempted to tug them free but only grimaced in pain as he put more weight down on them, forcing the bones to dig into each other even more.

A moment later he pulled out a knife from his jacket and gently pressed it near my eye. "Obey our god- obey our master... You'll be punished if you don't."

As soon as the knife was safely away from me I began struggling again. A wheeze escaped the man as I finally managed to twist and knee him in the gut, sending him rolling onto the floor with a dull thump. The noise seemed loud in the otherwise dead silence of the apartment and I soon heard movement from down the hall; footsteps were approaching my door.

The man glanced towards the closed door, obviously hearing it as well, before scrambling to his feet and dashing over to the window and disappearing. Moments later the door opened and I turned to face Tim- actually feeling comforted to know I wasn't alone here... not that it had done much good.

He cautiously scanned the room before coming closer as his stare finally landed on me. "What was that?"

I caught a glimpse of my fallen water bottle on the floor and picked it up. "I knocked this off the table, sorry if I woke you up..."

"It's fine..." I couldn't see his expression well in the dark but I got the feeling he didn't quite believe me. He continued to stare for a few seconds more before walking back out to the couch.

My facade dropped and I felt myself start shaking as I laid back down and faced the wall, afraid if I could look out into my room the man would be there again... or worse... Slenderman. The new proxy could've killed me so easily... I had practically done nothing to fight him off. I flinched as I felt the bed sink down as weight was added to it before feeling a small furry body rubbing against me. Angel purred loudly as she flopped down against my chest and I managed a small smile as I stroked her thick fur. Her purring continued until I managed to drift off once more. 

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