Chapter 11

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Tim was at work when Landon and Mallory messaged me saying they were moving into their apartments for college earlier than expected, which then went to them of course asking if Zac and I could help move them in. I hesitated to reply for a few minutes before messaging back that I'd show up and see if Zac could come as well, though I doubted he'd show up.

Sure enough when I called him it went to voicemail. I circled the small living room for a moment before the beep sounded. "Zac... it's me... Ash... Um, Landon and Mallory were moving in and wanted to see if you could help us move them in. I uh, know you're busy so I get if you can't... just thought I'd pass the message on."

I hung up, doubting I'd get a response. "Could've at least said he didn't want to talk anymore... I know I said he should stay away and all that- maybe he finally got that through his thick skull- but... I hope he's alright."

I left a note for Tim and grabbed my keys, pausing for a moment as I passed Angel's bowl to see most of her breakfast was still inside. It was odd and for a second I paused, wondering if I should be concerned. "I'll have to keep an eye on that... Hope it hasn't been like that too long- everything that's been happening; it's hard to pay attention to her."

It didn't take me long to find Landon's apartment, as it was close to the one he'd lived in the year before and the cars parked out front filled with furniture and other boxes made it easy to identify as well.

"Hey, thanks for coming to help out." Landon greeted me as I got out of my car. "Zac's not coming? Usually he's at your beck and call."

"Yeah, once I broke up with him... Least up until recently-  probably a good thing." I shrugged and followed after him. "He had work."

"That's okay."

"So what do you want me to start carrying in?" I stared at the boxes in the trunk of one of the cars.

"My parents are taking care of the furniture so you can start carrying the boxes labeled kitchen in to help Mallory." He started walking back inside after grabbing a box to take with him.

I grabbed a box and carried it inside to the kitchen where Mallory was already putting other cooking supplies away. She immediately looked up as I entered and put the box down on the tiled floor.

"Oh good you're here! These boxes are so heavy." She gestured to the one she was currently unpacking. "This one alone had a ton of plates and mugs."

"I think this one has the pans." I commented as I sat it down and opened it up. "So do you know where I'm putting these?"

"Lower cabinets." She began working again with a sigh. "...Ugh, we still have to unpack my stuff after this."

"There's plenty of people here helping, I'm sure it won't take too long." I tried to sound encouraging but didn't feel like it worked.

"Yeah, at least Dillan was able to help out too."

"He's here?" I glanced around, trying to spot any sign of his light colored hair.

The clinking of dishes attacked my ears before Mallory responded to my question. "He's setting up the entertainment system."

"Lucky." I cringed at the loud clattering our task brought and continued putting the pots and pans in the cupboards.

We continued putting away the kitchen supplies in silence, mainly due to wanting to make better progress and the noise that came with it made hearing anything else somewhat difficult. Afterwards, we moved on to help in the living room while Landon finished putting everything in his bedroom away.

"Aaaannnndddd done!" Mallory cheered as she flopped down on the couch. "Finally."

Dillan turned to look down at her. "We still have your apartment don't we?"

"Don't remind me..." She whined and tossed a pillow at him that he easily caught. "I'm starving."

"Well my parents are willing to take us all out for lunch, their treat." Landon offered as he joined us.

"That sounds great!" Mallory sat up as he began leading us to their car.

I wasn't exactly hungry despite all the physical labor but decided it was better than waiting around for them to get back... Plus I'd probably get hungry within a half hour of them being gone anyway.


It didn't take long to eat or move Mallory in once we got back. She'd paid extra to rent her furniture and have it already placed in the apartment before moving in, which meant all we really had to do was carry in boxes. She left most of her stuff haphazardly strewn about, half still packed and half put away, with the claim she'd get to it later on her own to speed up the process as it began getting late. Despite the efforts the sky was darkening by the time the move-ins wrapped up and Landon's parents left for home.

I stared outside, debating on telling them I should be leaving as well while the three talked among themselves nearby. The voices grew quieter and I heard footsteps behind me before glancing over my shoulder to look at Landon. "Hey, it's been awhile since we were all together. We're heading back to my place to hang out- play some games and watch a movie- if you want to come."

"I shouldn't press my luck..." I tried not to let the uncertainty show on my face. "Oh, um... I don't know. I don't want to fall asleep driving home at like, three in the morning."

"It's a sleepover, Malloy and Dillan are spending the night so you can too- I have spare blankets and pillows."

"Guess I can't get out on that excuse then... But if anything starts happening, I'll need to leave." I smiled and nodded. "Sounds great then!"

The paranoia didn't disappear entirely as we smashed together on the couch to play a video game but as time wore on I did find it fun. I was shit at playing of course and eventually settled with just watching as Mallory and Landon took turns with the horror game- listening to them scream at each jumpscare was honestly amusing given how many times they'd replayed this game. If there were neighbors they'd probably think a murder was in progress- if it weren't for me and Dillan laughing equally as loud at their reactions.

"Alright, let's get a movie going." Landon finally spoke up as Mallory began getting frustrated over the current level. "What do we want to watch?"

He switched the television input and began scrolling through genres. "We've got adventure, comedy, horror, mystery-"

"Nothing scary." Mallory stated, still shaken from the last jumpscare. "I'm done with that for the night."

A playful smirk crossed my face. "Oh please, he screamed louder than you did. Besides, it's not real."

"Zombies could be real if researchers composed a virus made-"

"Stop it Landon!" Mallory swatted at him.

"I'd prefer a comedy." Dillan spoke up before yawning.

I leaned back into the couch. "Comedy does sound nice."

"Now who's scared?" Mallory taunted back at me with a smile.

I kept a smug look on my face. "Please, I'm only scared of how bad horror movies are."

"And knowing Landon he'll do something with zombies... I hate zombies- creepy as hell." I stared at the glowing TV screen, hoping to hide unease thinking about them being real gave me. "Shouldn't be so stupid... they're fictional no matter what logic Landon uses... I have real demons and killers to fear."

Landon continued scrolling through movies listed on the screen before picking one himself, as no one else gave helpful suggestions. "Hush now, I found one I think we'll all like."

As predicted by the time the movie came to an end and everyone was falling asleep where they sat, it was nearly three in the morning. Sleeping arrangements were quickly made with Landon and Dillan sleeping in the bedroom while Mallory and I were left to decide who was sleeping on the couch and who would be on the floor. Once again I debated just leaving but knew I was also too exhausted to drive at this point. I left the couch for Mallory and found a place on the carpet to sleep for the night, as the floor would hide my anxious tossing and turning.

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