Chapter 57

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The three of us stood, staring at the creature as it struggled and forced its way under the door. I could feel myself trembling as I pressed my back to the wall. Tim was the first to snap back into action and I felt him pull me closer to Skully.

He gave the masked man a look of warning before stepping back. "Get her out."

"Tim, what are you doing?"

"I'll be right behind you." His back turned to us as he stepped between us and the Rake, watching as it struggled its way further into the room. "Hurry!"

I could only take his word for it. Turning away, I took Skully's place on the makeshift step and began pulling myself up into the small space. Behind me, I could hear Skully following after me, a grunt escaping him as he pushed himself into the enclosed area. I wanted to turn my head to see if Tim was coming but I could barely move let alone turn around to look behind me.

"Please don't let us get stuck up here..." I could feel my pulse pounding against the thin metal, the throbbing only aggravating the injury to my skull. "Did Tim make it up?"

The only sound I could hear was our shuffling and creaking metal. I moved as fast as possible in the claustrophobic vent until I managed to find light coming from a way out. Deciding I'd rather be chased down than get lost in the ventilation system, I awkwardly began breaking the cover off to get out and practically dropped down in the least graceful way possible. I groaned as I forced myself back to my feet and moved out of the way as Skully fell to the ground after me.

"Tim." He rolled off his side and got up, quickly making his way back in the direction we'd escaped from.

Worry broke through my exhaustion and I followed after him, picking up the pace when I heard a shout coming from the storage room. The bottom of the door was completely torn open and I felt sick as I recalled being ripped apart by that monster. "We need to distract it...!"

I looked over at Skully. "We need to divert it's attention and split up to get Tim out, alright? Meet back at his car- I assume you can find that."

The creature was already aware of our presence. We'd barely forced the door open before it was swiping at us with its claws and snapping at our legs and hands as it shoved its way through the door. Looking behind it, I could see Tim lying on the ground holding his bleeding arm. I backed further out of reach, watching the Rake hobble after me in its typical abnormal gait.

"Go, I'll lead it away." I didn't take my eyes off the humanoid beast to see if Skully listened.

As soon as I started running I could hear the Rake chasing after me, easily keeping pace. Not that it was hard, all the movement was making my vision spin and distort, which in turn resulted in me barely staying on my feet. The creature practically herded me through the unfamiliar building, its reeking breath right on my heels. One swipe from him sent me to the ground and dragged me backward. Twisting, I struggled to kick it away and get back up. I stumbled into the wall as the disorientation worsened. I panted and drunkenly began running again, easily being brought down to the ground seconds later. Blood dripped down the side of my face as my head injury reopened.

"Fuck." I felt my back pop as the Rake stepped on me, pressing its nails into my shoulder and letting them slowly sink deeper.

A loud clattering distracted the Rake and it fell eerily silent before giving a low growl and shot off to follow the sound. I shakily sat up, swaying as I gradually managed to stand up and limp in the opposite direction it had gone. Somehow I managed to get out of the building without further incident, though occasionally I could hear the Rake searching for us.

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