Simply Business

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I'm being sold off...that's the news that my father wants me to know after I just came back from boarding school.

"You sold me." I said sitting in a chair in the middle of his office. Mom was next to me but she didn't say a word. As if there was anything that could make this better.

Not that she could anyway. I was going to be just like her. The perfect little mafia wife. It made me sick just thinking about it.

"I didn't sell you Ruby! This was going to happen. You have to get married for both of us to work together." My dad tried to reason with me but it wasn't working very well at the moment. Honestly this was all just a bunch of bull. Made me miss sitting in my math class...come to think of it could I go back to that? I may have hated that but hell anything was better then being told your being sold off.

"I can't be here right now." I got up and rushed out of his office. I felt like the walls around me were crashing in on me and that I would break under them.

My whole summer ripped away from me. My senior summer up in smoke like a burning house. I was standing in the middle of it as my parents watched it happen.

"Hey dash!" Kegan my oldest brother called out my nickname as he walked on by me. That name was given to me when we all learned I was a pretty fast runner as a kid. Kegan would bet kids that he knew that they couldn't out run me. That summer he won a lot of money and still didn't give me any for my good work.

I didn't even stop to look at him I just kept going. I didn't know where I was going all I knew is that I need to get out of this damn house.

I ran till I was out the back door and going right to the old tree house. I remember when I was younger I would run here to hide away from people when they made me mad or upset. I was doing the same thing now.

"And the knight saves her!!" I pushed open the door seeing Weston my little brother playing in there already. He was dressed up in the knight costume that he had got for Halloween.

"Ruby! You want to play with me?" He held out a sword to me and I giggled.

"Sure little guy." I got up and started playing with him. It was something so little but it got my mind off of what had happened.

It made me miss being a little kid. No worries in the world and I didn't care about anything. I didn't know the family business and I was daddy's little angel. I was treated like a princess for so many years.

I envy Weston now seeing the pool of pure happiness on his face. He wasn't pushed into the real world and I would give anything to keep him that way.

"Kids!" My mom called after a while and me and Weston ran to the window to look down on the dragon (as I called her at the moment)...

"We got to get ready for our guest." I knew what that meant and I wasn't coming down.

Weston went down willingly like the good boy he was. He didn't have to worry about getting sold like I did.

"Ruby Angela O'Ryan get your butt down here right now!" My mother was mad. She even used my damn middle name. That was always a scary point for me and my brother. If we got the middle name by any of our parents we knew they meant business. Usually we would cave by then but I'm 18 years old I can do what I want. And right now that was sitting in a kids tree house.

"No not till you and dad tell me I'm not getting married."

"Ruby would you stop being a child for once!"

"I'm not a child mother!" I hissed leaning my head out the window sounding just like a child.

"Ruby please..."

"Tell this person I don't want to marry." I shrugged going back inside. What I wasn't prepared for was when Kegan came up and pulled me down. He carried me kicking and screaming all the way back to the house.

He stopped putting me in front of mom and dad who were waiting by the stairs for me.

"I told you Ruby this will bring both mafias together. We need this now more then ever."

"Who is it." I bit not wanting to hear his reasoning.

"Salvatore." That name was enough to make me want to fall to my knees. The whole family was a family of monsters. They were the richest most evil family I knew. Everyone know who they where and if you didn't you were lucky.

I covered my mouth as a sob wanted to leave my mouth. Kegan grabbed me and pulled me close.

"Pops how is this!" Kegan jumped in now.

"It's simply business son."

"So that's all I am to you." I said softly making them all look to me. My father realized he screwed up.


"I'm just simply business daddy." I felt the tears falling down my face but I wouldn't break. I'm not letting this get to me.

I turned and ran all the way up to my room locking the door behind me. I had to go to the dinner. I knew mom and dad would send someone to come and get me if I didn't. But right now the only thing that was making me feel eight was turning my music all the way up to blast my music.

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