Going bad

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The next morning I woke up to the feeing of air blowing into my face. Sat up to see that Colton was no where to be found but the balcony door was wide open.

I rushed to look outside and found Colton chopping wood. I stood there for a few seconds watching as he did then made myself snap out of it. He's a bad guy Ruby remember.

I made my way downstairs to see on the clock that it was 2 in the afternoon! How in the world did I sleep that much!

"Your up." Colton appeared coming through the back door with the wood.

"Yeah never slept that much before."

"Could just be your body wanting the rest"

As if on cue my stomach let out a huge grow reminding me I haven't eaten in a while.

Colton chuckled as he put the wood down over my the fireplace.

"Seems like right now it's telling us that your hungry to."

I smiled shyly feeling a little embarrassed that it just sounded like the abdominal snow man was in my stomach.

"Sure I can make us something to eat." Colton walked by dusting his hands off as he walked into the kitchen.

I followed him watching as he washed his hands before going to look for food.

"How come there isn't much snow around?" I asked looking out the window to see that there was a light coding of snow on the grown.

"Supposed to get some more tonight I heard."

As I was looking outside I looked out into the woods that were in front of us. Something had caught my eye as it went by fast. I turned to see what it could have been but remembered there are animals out there.

"Can we go for a walk?"

Colton turned back to me shocked that I said can we in the same sentence I'm sure.

"I-I just wanted to see what's around us that's all." Now I'm starting to regret even asking.

"Yeah of course. Why don't you eat this sandwich first and then I can take you up this trail I used to go up as a kid. You'll get a great view."

"Great!" I took the plate from him with the sandwich and ate the whole sandwich. I was really hungry.

When I was done I ran upstairs to find something to put on. I just wanted to get outside and get some fresh air.

Once I got dressed I ran down the stairs to the door but Colton stopped me before I could pull it open.

"Here." He pulled my hat on my head and opened the door for me.

"And would you look at that. It even started to snow a little for you."

I looked outside to see that he was right. There was some snow falling around us and it made me even more excited to go.

"How much farther." I cried as my legs started to hurt as we made our way up this long ass hill.

"No much more." We had been walking for a while now I was surprised it wasn't dark now.

"Can you carry me?"

"Ruby it's only another 10 feet." He laughed pulling me to move along. As soon as we stopped I was glad he had.

"Wow." I breathed stepping a little away from him to fully take in the view in front of me.

The whole little town was lit up all covered in snow. It was like something out of a movie that you would watch.

"This is..."

"Amazing?" Colton said wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close to him. Normally I would move away but right now I didn't want to.

"Yeah." I sighed with a smile on my face. It was perfect.

"Look at that." He pointed to the side and I did as he said but soon regretted it when I got a face full of snow.

"COLTON!" I screamed pushing him away as I reached down for some snow. If a war was what he wanted then a war was what he was getting.

I threw the snow ball I had made and it hit him right in the middle of his chest as he tried to back off.

"You better run little one." He chuckled grabbing some more snow. He didn't have to tell me twice.

I ran for a tree and was lucky that he had missed me and hit That instead.

I don't know how long we did that for but I know as we came down the hill everything was fine. We were laughing and having a great time. But my life always throws curve balls.

"Do you have any coffee or something warm?" I asked as we walked in the back door going right for the cabinets.

I heard a phone go off but I didn't even think to go for mine.

"Ahh you do!" I turned back around to see Colton looking down at my phone that was on the table. He didn't touch it but he had a pose doff look on his face.

I grabbed it and looked to see who it was.

Eric: baby please come back to me! I miss you so much right now and I need us to work things out. Please don't let this be how things end with us.

Ok so I see how this would look bad. But what I don't understand is why is Eric saying this now? I haven't talked to him in days. Last time I saw him was at my wedding and now he wants to fix things?

"So your playing happy marriage with me while playing sex buddy's with this guy?"

I looked up to Colton as those words he said broke me. He always knew how to hurt me with just the right words. And to think things were going so good just minutes ago.

"What! No Colton it's not what you think!"

"Really then what is it?"

"Get off your high high horse! I'm sure you have plenty of girls who you have thought of calling in the light night to have a simple fuck and chuck with!" As I went to turn around he grabbed me pushing me up against the wall.

"What did you say?" He hissed keeping me trapped from going anywhere.

"You know what I said! Hell why don't I do you a solid and we go out separate and ate after this trip? I got a house in Florida I'll go stay there and you can have all the fun you want with out me."

"Oh so I see you want to run off to Florida with your little boy toy?"


"Oh am I?"

"Yeah and a jackass. You took everything from me the least you can do is let me live my life for a while."

He stepped back as I said that looking almost hurt.

"Fine I'll take you to the airport Tomorrow." He stomped off leaving me there. I felt tears wanting to come out but I wouldn't let them. Not right now.

I went upstairs grabbing a few things out of our room and went to a spare bedroom down the hall. I didn't want to be close to him tonight.

First I got a shower and then got ready for bed. I don't know how long I sat up for thinking about Colton and Eric's text but I really wasn't ready for the hell that I was in for.

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