I win

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Later that night we were all at the 2nd club of the night. How the hell we got there I will never know. All I know was me and Eric we're together dancing. He had his arms around my waist and mine around his neck.

I felt his lips on my neck and I leaned my head back letting him in. I don't know what came over me but I was suddenly ok with this.

"God Ruby." He sighed Into my neck pulling me closer as we danced.

"I-I-" before I could even get words out of my mouth Eric was being pulled from me.

I watched as he was punched and thrown to the floor fast.

"ERIC!" I went to go for him but my body was grabbed. I turned fast to see the guy that had punched him was none other then the asshole himself.

"LET ME GO!" Everyone had started to watch now like we were crazy. The one holding me back totally was.

"Ruby!" I turned to see Kegan running to me and before I knew what was happening Colton pulled a gun out putting it to him.

If I had to think of the worst thing to happen in my life it would be seeing a gun to someone I love. And now that person was Kegan and I wanted nothing more then to see Colton get killed. But I knew Kegan didn't have a gun on him at the moment. He knew I didn't like when he cared one with him.

"I win" he whispered into my ear making me remember what he had said to me earlier.

"STOP!" I cried now feeling the tears fall from my face.

"You fucker! Let my sister go!" I watched Ash rush over to Eric and help him up. That made me feel better knowing he was ok.

"In case you haven't known this is my club... I think I'm gonna have to ask you guys to leave."

How did we not know this was one of his clubs! It's not like it was on the sign outside! Hell I would have ran so far away from here if I knew!

I tried to pull away from him but he wouldn't budge.

"My sister comes with us."

"No she doesn't." I heard the gun click and by then people had started moving away.

"Kegan please." I cried not wanting to make things worse. "J-just go."

"No Ruby!" Eric screamed breaking free from Ash and rushing to me. Coltons gun moved to Eric and I pulled my arm up stopping him.

"Please." I cried turning to face him.

"Don't hurt my friends." His face was stone cold as he looked down at me. No emotion on his face as he did what he did.

"Colton I beg of you...please"  he put his gun down and I turned back to Kegan.

"Go." I mouthed to him and no matter how stubborn he was I knew he would listen.

He grabbed Eric and pulled him out with ash not to far behind.

The music started up again and everyone went back to how they were. Colton took hold of my wrist and pulled me to go with him.

"Stop your hurting me!" I cried as he pulled me up the stairs to some office that he had.

I was thrown into the room and due to me being somewhat drunk and not good with heels I feel to my knees.

"Oh baby I could hurt you in so many other ways." He grabbed my hair and pulled me up off my feet. I struggled to grab his arm as he did this to me.

He pushed my body into the wall and cadged me in not letting me go anywhere.

"You let that scum put his hands on you." He growled tilting my head up to look at him.

"Because he can." I hissed in pain

"No. One. Touches. What's. Mine." He bit the last part out sending shivers all over my body.

"I'm not yours. I'll never be yours you ass!"

He started chucking which scared the living shit out of me. It was like an evil villain standing in front of me.

"Your mine Flower. All of you.Your lips." He brushed his hands over my lips softly while keeping his eyes on me.

"Your mind." His grip on my hair got a little tighter making me supper uncomfortable.

"Your body." His open hand ran down my back over my butt leaving a little smack making me jump a little.

"And this." His hand cupped my most sensitive part of me. My lips flew open as I tried to move away from him. Yes he was only cupping me through the dress but it was still thin and I could feel his fingers very well.

"This sweet spot is all mine to have." 

I hated the feeling he was giving me right now but I hated it more that I liked it.

I was at a loss of words and he knew it. He had me right where he wanted. He could do what ever he wanted to me and he was showing me that.

I turned my head when his lips got closer to me. I was discussed with the fact that he still had his hands on me like that and wanted a kiss.

He gripped my chin harshly and pulled me to face him. I swear the only look I saw on this mans face was a pissed off one.

"Don't ever turn away from my kiss again." And like that he kissed me. He took what he wanted and he got my fist kiss. It was a hot hard kiss that made you weak at the knees. Once he pulled away he dropped my body to the floor.

I started crying like hard then. My butt hurt, my head hurt, and hell my feelings right now as well.

I pushed myself up off the floor as he walked to sit at the desk. I'm going to guess this is his room. It was dark and gloomy like him so I'm not shocked.

"Come here." He hissed but I didn't bother you move.

Accident number 3- his scissors somehow end up in his chest.

"Go to hell!"

"Ruby! Don't test me right now!" I do have to remember he's the one with the gun right now.

I started making my way to him around his desk. He pulled me hard down to sit on his lap. To say I was uncomfortable was an understatement.

He put me down so that I was startling him and this dress wasn't helping. It went up as I sat there facing the beast.

He shocked me by bringing his hands up to wipe away my tears. I tried not to flinch because I didn't want to find out what he would do if I did.

He sat back and took me in as he kept his hands on my legs. It was like he was trying to read me and I hated it.

"Stay with me."

"No." I was putting my foot down on this one.

"I don't feel comfortable with that."

"You don't feel comfortable with me? Your husband!" He hissed grabbing onto my waist making me think fast.

"Please Colton...we aren't married yet I don't think it would be a good idea." He seemed to calm down a little from that.

"How about this. Tomorrow night you stay with me? By then you'll be one step closer to mine."

Tomorrow night...what wa-

I covered my mouth as I remembered we were to be engaged tomorrow and there was nothing I could do about it. That made the tears fall more.

"You need you rest for tomorrow. Why don't I take you home then." He sat me up and got up carrying me in his arms. I was so weak that I couldn't even fight him off right now.

He grabbed his keys and walked out a back door down a set of stairs.

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