Never far away

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We went till he clicked his keys and a very nice looking car went off.

Colton put me in the passengers seat and even helped put my seat belt on before going around to get in himself.

The car started with a roar and we were off going through the night.

As soon as the car came to a stop outside my house I went to open the door but he grabbed me holding me back.

"Tomorrow night act like you love me." I didn't want to look to him but he forced me to by pulling my chin.

"Don't disrespect me and don't make a fool out of me or there will be consequences. So help me god Ruby if you go to another man tomorrow night that isn't your blood I'll personally snap their necks. Am I clear?" I tried to pull my arm away from him because I didn't like the way he was being with me.

"Yes!" I hissed and he dropped my arm and I ran. I ran so far from him as fast as possible.

Once I got through the doors Kegan was rushing to me.

"That son of a bitch didn't hurt you did he?"

"No he didn't. Are you ok? Is Eric and Ash fine?"

"Jesus Ruby stop worrying about others! For once let someone worry about you."

I pushed past him and he followed knowing he pissed me off.


"There was a fucking gun to you tonight Kegan. I know that's normal to you and all because your taking over for dad but." I turned around before going into the kitchen to look at him.

"When I saw him put that gun to you and my friends I lost it."

"And how do you think I felt seeing my baby sister being held to a monster?" I smiled a sad smile and patted his face a little before I walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a water and some medicine because my head was already staring to hurt me.

"Don't worry big brother. I'm only business remember." I shrugged walking past him to get to the stairs.

Once in my right I felt my body wanting to collapse in on me. I got myself out of the dress and pulled on a big baggy t-shirt that I had gotten from Eric once when I slept over his house. It still smelt like him to.

I grabbed my phone and texted him and Ash to make sure they got home safely and that everything was ok with them. I didn't wait for a response before I was out like a light.

I sat here looking at myself in my vanity mirror

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I sat here looking at myself in my vanity mirror. My makeup was all done and fresh just like my hair. I should look happy and be smiling because I'm going to be getting engaged. Every part of me wanted to scream.

How was I going to to this? My mom was so good with handling being the wife to a mafia man. I don't think I could handle it like her. Hell before I came back I was liking not having to worry about being killed.

No one knew where I was or ever cared. I'm not a threat to anyone but I could be used as a way to hurt my dad. Which is why he made sure I was protected even when not at school.

"Look at my little girl." My mother was behind me with a bright smile on her face.

"I have something for you." She said as she pulled out and old looking box.

"My mother gave this to me before my wedding day but I just couldn't wait." She opened the box and inside was a beautiful good necklace with a Heart.

"Mom it's beautiful!" I turned around and threw my arms around her.

"Thank you." I said softly and she pulled back to hold my face in her hands.

"Please know that this isn't how I wanted things. Your father needs this more then you know. He loves you so much Ruby and it kills him to do this. We were so happy to have you home and now your going away again." I had to hold in my tears that wanted to come out .

"But I know that if anyone can handle this it's you. Sweetheart you are the strongest person I know." I pulled her into another hug making her laugh a little.

"Alright let's go before I cry my eyes out." She helped me up and we walked down the stairs together to the boys.

I took Weston's had as he looked down at the floor.

"You going to tell me what's wrong?" I asked as Kegan put my coat on my shoulders for me.

"Your leaving again."

I got down to his level and pulled his chin up to make him look at me.

"I'm never away from you Weston. I'm always right here." I pointed to his heart and squeezed his hand a little before getting up pulling him with me to the car.

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