Back where you belong

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warning ⚠️ I'm going to say if your under the age of 17 to skip this...there I gave my warning just for no one to listen 😂

Later that night I laid in bed looking up at the ceiling. I wasn't in the mood to sleep. I was how ever in the mood to keep thinking about what Axle had said about Coltons last girlfriend and what she did to him. Now I understand why he was so distanced.

My door opened wide letting the light from the hallway come in. I sat up to find a man standing there. Once he moved in I realized it was Colton.

His chest was on full display as his jeans hung low on his hips. I could see every muscle this man had on his body. Now that about made me jump out of this bed to him but I remembered I was still mad at him.

He didn't speak. He came over to me and pulled the covers back exposing that I had nothing but his t-shirt on.

He grabbed my leg and arm pulling me up so that I would wrap my legs and arms around him.

I complied doing as he wanted and wrapped both my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"What are you doing." I asked as he walked out of the room going down the hallway.

"I'm done Ruby. Your sleeping in here with me. I can't take being away from you." He pushed open his door with his foot as he walked me back into the same old room.

He placed me down on the end of the bed but I was still mad at him. We needed to work things out by talking. He couldn't just act all cute and expect me to fall for it.

"Baby please." He said softly as he got down in front of me. He pulled me chin so that I would look at him. I saw slight stubble starting to form now on his face and black circles under his eyes. When was the last time he slept?

"You hurt me Colton." I let out a sip as he held my face in his hands.

"I know I did and I'm such an ass for that and I'm so sorry." He leaned in closer to me.

"And I promise I will start to be better for you Ruby because I want this. I want you and I-I'm just afraid."

"To get hurt." He looked back to me and his eyes got wide for a second.

"Who told you?"

"Axle." He sighed and shook his head "he told me you two were siblings to."

"He never knew how to keep his mouth shut. He may be 7 years older but the man gossips like a 9 year old little girl." I let out a laugh making his smile.

"There's that sound I've missed so much."

I brought my hand up to his face and he leaned into it making me feel happier.

"I promise I'm not going to be like her Colton. I would never hurt you." And it was true. I may despise him sometimes but I would never hurt him like that.

He turned his face so that he could kiss the inside of my palm.

"I know that baby but...what if you get hurt. Do you know how hard that will be on me. I-I..."

I grabbed his face kissing him softly hoping to help clear his mind up a little so that he can talk again.

When I pulled away I saw his eyes get darker as he held me.

"I want you Colton. I want this and I know you do to do you can either be scared or you can take me rig-" and that was all he needed. He jumped up smacking his lips on mine pushing me down to the bed as he climbed on top of me.

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