Date night

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Later I got ready for this date with Colton. I wasn't really in the mood but I knew if I didn't he would find a way to get me to come.

I put on a light pink dress with long sleeves that puffed out on the end. It was high on my neck which helped with the marks that Colton had left there.

Once I was ready I made my way down to the living room where I heard people talking. I didn't mean to be snoopy but I couldn't help myself.

"That's her"

"Yes." It was Colton and Red from what I could tell.

"Jesus Colton I thought you told me you were going to let her live her life for a little." Who were they talking about?

"I did Red for years!"

"Ok I think we need to calm down a little here guys." That was a new voice I didn't know yet. Now I thought it was time to make my presence known.

"What are you doing?" I jumped out of my skin when Axle came up behind me.

I turned to hit him but it just made him laugh.

"Ruby?" I knew that voice and I knew this may look bad.

"I think I found your girl snooping boss." Axle laughed wrapping an arm around me. The look that Colton gave him made him pull away from me fast though.

"What did you hear?" He turned to me but I didn't really want to answer that.

"Not much." He didn't believe me one bit and I knew he didn't.

"Don't scare the poor girl Colton." There a man who looked a lot like Red stood behind Colton. He put his hand on Coltons shoulder and pulled him away from me a little.

"Hi I'm Quinn." He held his hand out to me and I took it.


"We have to go." Colton growled pulling my arm away from Quinn and pulled me all the way out to the car.

I don't remember how long the drive was. It was quiet though. I could tell he was mad for what ever reason but I didn't care. Him and his bipolar ass need to learn to calm down.

Once we got to the restaurant we were ushered to a reserved table on the far side of the restaurant where we were kinda by ourselves. Anyone else I would be fine with but with this one I wasn't happy to be out of sight of people.

"Anything you like?" Colton asked making me look up from the menu that I have been hiding behind for the bast past 10 minutes.

I shrugged my shoulders putting the menu down only to look anywhere but him.

"So I see silent treatment now?" He's lucky that's all I've given him.

I wasn't prepared for when he reached over the table and pulled my face to look at him. It actually kinda hurt my chin.

"That's fine. I can make your voice scream for many other reasons." The smirk that went to his face made me sick.

"I hate you." I said softly and that seemed to make his grip on my chin loosen a bit. He looked at me in disbelief for a few seconds before pulling his hand away from my face shaking the sad face off.

I almost felt bad that I hurt his feelings. I didn't want to see him sad and that pissed me off. This man has brought nothing but hell to my life and he wants me to be happy.

"You threatened me, my family, and even punished my friend."

"Don't play the bullshit card with me." He hissed turning back to me with fire in his eyes.

"You probably slept with him and many others already."

Now that broke me. I felt tears falling from my face before I could even stop them.

"Fuck you." I got up but he grabbed my wrist.

"Sit down." I tried to pull away from him but he got up pulling me to his chest.

"I've never done anything!" I slapped his chest still trying to get away.

"You took my first kiss you jackass!" As I went to hit him again he grabbed my face and pulled me so that our lips connected. I hated the feeling that he gave me when he did that.

This time he let me push him away as I fell to the table for stability.

"Probably the best news I've heard in a while." He said softly before sitting back down.

"I want to go home." I didn't want to stay here. I couldn't believe I had let him do that again to me. I was so sick of myself and my feelings for him. This man was a bad man and here I was wanting him to kiss me again.

"Have dinner with me and then I'll take you there."

I huffed and sat back down in my chair knowing he wasn't going to take no for San answer.

The waiter came in a few minutes later acting funny. He probably saw what happened and didn't want to bring it up. Smart boy.

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