Delete my number

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Later the next morning I woke up. It was more like the afternoon.

Once I got up though my phone was going off like crazy. I picked it up to see I had many missed calls from Eric and Ashley and another unknown number.

I clicked Ashley's number first and she picked up on the first ring.

"Where the hell have you been Bitch! Me and Eric have been trying to get ahold of you for the past 5 hours!" Had I really been asleep for that long?

"Sorry what's up."

"We are going clubbing tonight." I rolled my eyes knowing I had no way out of this. I gave an excuse last time and she made me promise that I would come next time.

"Are you kidding me...that's why you've called me over 100 times..."

"...yes now be ready at 8 we want to pregame a little at your house."

I looked down at my phone to see it was 1 and that I had some time to get ready.

"Ok sounds good to me."

"Goodie!" And she hung up as I laid back in my bed.

My phone dinged and I picked it up to see that it was a text from the unknown caller.

-I don't like to be ignored little one.

Me- who the hell is this!

-oh come on don't pretend you don't know...I'm the one who saved you from your midnight swim.

All the blood in my body started to boil.

Me- how did you get my number Colton!

Colton- it was very easy. I had my men do a check on you and they found your phone number.

Oh fantastic! He did a background check on me. Every girls damn dream is to get a background check on them so that someone else knows all the bad things you did.

Me- you truly are a stalker.

Colton- aww I'm hurt...

My phone rang with his number and I picked it up ready to give him a pice of my mind.

"What are you doing tonight?" He didn't even let me get a word in.

"I'm busy."

"Doing what exactly?" His deep voice seemed to get deeper when he was mad.

"That's for me to know and for you to fly a kite"

"Tisk little one don't play games with me. I always win in the end."

"Well this one your not. Stay away from me and delete my number like I'm doing to yours after I end this call."

"RU-" before he could even finish his sentence I was off the phone. 

I threw it across my room letting it land on my couch and got up to go get something to eat. Had to start my day some how.

7 o'clock came faster then wanted

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7 o'clock came faster then wanted. I had to start getting ready and figure out what it was I was going to wear.

As I was finishing up my makeup I could hear Eric's car make its way down our driveway. I grabbed my heels and ran down the stairs to let them in.

"Oh my god I have seen you in days!" Ashley screamed as she pulled me into a hug. Eric came in behind her pulling me into one next.

"Hey Sunshine." He smiled down at me making me happy.


"Ok we need drinks and fast!" Ash made her way into the living room to the bar. She knew were to get them.

I took Eric's hand and pulled him along with me.

Your probably wondering what are me and him. Well right now I wish I could tell you.

We were so close before I went off to boarding school. I always had a crush on him and the day before I left I told him. He reacted funny actually.

He started stumbling with his words but soon he got it out that he liked me to. Then when I came back a while ago we picked things up where we left them.

We knew we each had feeling for each other but no one did a thing about it. That and he's Ashley's brother so I don't think I could do that to her if we ever broke up.

For now I liked how things were. We were happy and safe and nothing was wrong.

"You guys going out tonight?" Kegan asked as we all came into the living room. He was sitting there on his phone.

"Yeah you want to come?" Eric asked. I'm sure he would like to not be the only guy.

"Yeah I'll go get changed" he got up and ran off to his room.

"So tell me what has happened in the past few days that you have been so rudely ignoring me." Ash sat down next to me at the bar poring me and Eric each a shot.

"Hell that's what!" I took the shot fast with Eric not to far behind me.

"How so?"

"Well for starters my parents want me to get married." I could feel Eric's eyes on me now. Ash grabbed my arm with a squeal.

"Is he good looking!"

"Ash! Do you hear what your asking! Do you know how crazy this is!"

She rolled her eyes at me and continued.

"He can't be that bad. I'm sure he's really good looking and you just don't want to tell your best friend."

"Doesn't matter...I'm not going along with it." I pored us all another one and we took it.

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