Don' let go

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I jumped from my bed when I heard the loud sound come from downstairs. It almost sounded like glass breaking.

You know those movies where the girl is like super dumb and doesn't take something to protect herself? Yeah well that isn't me.

I grabbed one of those poker things that you use for a fire that was in my room and opened my door before going out.

I looked both ways before I stepped outside and made my way down the hall. To say I was scared would be an understatement.

It was way to quite now and also to dark and it gave me a weird feeling.

My body jumped when I heard something behind me and I turned fast with the stick.

As I did something took hold of it and my vision got used to the dark.

"What the he-" Colton covered my mouth with his other hand and pulled the stick out of mine.

"I need you to do exactly what I say."

Why was he being so damn bossy again!

"Colton I-" he covered my mouth again this time pushing me up against a wall.

"Someone is in the house." Oh you have got to be kidding me!

"I called for backup and they are only just a few miles away." He pulled me to walk with him as we made our way back to his room.

"I need you to stay in here and hide. Don't come out till the lights come back on do you understand?"

He rushed out his orders as he took me into the room. I had watched him pull a gun out from under his mattress and it worried me a whole lot more.


"Yes!" I nodded my head as tears started to fall making me want to scream.

"Stay here." He went to the door and did what I did by looking both ways before he went outside.

Once he disappeared I backed myself into a corner till I figured out a hiding spot.

When the first gun shot went off I let out a scream and didn't think it was safe to be where I was.

I know he told me to stay but I wasn't listening to that. The best thing for me was to get the hell out of this house.

Running down the hall in the opposite direction I had remembered there was a back door just down these stairs. If I could get to then then I would be fine.

What I wasn't expecting was for the door to be locked.

"Come on." I cried pulling on the door that wouldn't open for me. I needed to find something to break it and fast.

Getting low to the ground I started to crawl around the kitchen in the dark.

I heard struggling and turned to look over by the table where it was coming from.

There Colton was with a guy in a mask on top of him pinning him down holding his neck.

"COLTON!" They goth turned to me and it recurred to he how much of a grave mistake I made.

My body was lifted off the floor like a rag doll and I was thrown over someone's shoulder as they started to run to the front of the house.

My thought was hurting from how bad I was screaming.

"PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed to the guy that held onto me running through the house.

I brought both my hands up together and hit him in the back making him drop me. Once on my feet I tried to run but he grabbed me by the throat and squeezed it as hard as he could.

I grabbed for his arms as he lifted me off the floor and held me there in the air. Once again flashbacks of my life went through my head. It was like my body's way of excepting death.

A shot rang out and the guys grip on me went as I dropped to the floor gasping for air. He took off running out the door and I watched as Colton came running in.

"Baby!" He got down in front of me and made sure I was ok before he got down.They were shooting at us now.

Colton got up looking to the side window seeing that the guy was now running.

"Don't move!" Colton screamed as he ran to the window jumping through it and braking more glass. He got up off the ground like it didn't hurt him and started running after the guy.

The lights in the house went on and I turned to face Red who was at the door. She looked so worried as she ran to me.

A few moments later Colton and Axle came back and I ran to Colton throwing my arms around him.

"I don't want to go." I cried as he pulled me as close as he could.

"No baby your not going anywhere." He cooed rubbing my back to calm me down.

"I'm not letting you go."

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