✍︎ fourteen

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Y/N'S P.O.V:

"Hey, baby? I-I'm gonna go somewhere, and I'll be late. Don't wait for me." Jennie said, fiddling with her fingers, a sign that she's really nervous. I didn't say anything, I just nodded at her. I know that she's cheating on me with Kai behind my back. She's been going out at early in the morning, and coming home late, or worst she's not even going home to me, her girlfriend. She's been like this for the past 3 weeks. It's killing me. Jennie, and I have been together even before she debuted as a solo artist. I was there to support her in everything she was doing. We we're happy. So, so happy. We're legal on both sides, and everyone supported us. But, it all started to go down when she met Kai. They we're out always. Going out on "friendly dates," posting couple-like pictures. I was jealous about it, but Jennie didn't give a damn about me. She always chose Kai over me, and at that time... I know that she isn't mine anymore.

"Go on, Jennie." I said, not tearing my eyes away from the Television in front of me. I silently prayed that she will change her mind, and stay with me. Cuddled up, while watching our favorite movies while eating milk ice cream like we used to do.

"O-okay. Bye, baby. I love you!" She said, walking out of the door. My tears we're falling now. I didn't bother to reply, that "I love you" is a lie anyway. I stood up, and immediately dialled Rosé, and Jisoo unnie. I told them that I'll be going to them, and stay the night at their house since I'm pretty sure I'll be all alone again. Rosé told me that Lisa will pick me up, since my head hurts from all the crying last night. They also know about Jennie cheating, but they kept quiet because I told them that I want to be the one who'll confront her, but guess what? I can't. I grabbed my bag, and went to the lobby of the condo we live in, and waited for Manobangs. I sat down on one of the chairs, and started to question myself like for the past 3 weeks.

Am I not enough for her? Isn't she happy with me anymore? Why did she do it? Is she getting tired of me? Doesn't she love me anymore? Fuck... My eyes are starting to get teary... Don't-

"Y/N unnie!" I heard someone said, I wiped my tears, and looked up to see Lisa running to me. I stood up, and hugged her.

"Let's go to Jisoo unnie, and Rosé, okay?" She said softly, grabbing my duffel bag that has my clothes. I just nodded, not really wanting to say anything. We went to her car, and drove off. I just gazed outside the window. Lisa noticed it, and grabbed my hand, squeezing it, reassuring me silently. I gave her a weak smile. When we arrived at the house, Lisa instructed me to go inside, and I did. I knocked on the door, and not a minute after, I was pulled into a hug. I broke down in Jisoo unnie's arms. Rosé rubbing my back in comfort.

"You know. I fucking hate Jennie for treating you like this. Let's follow her. We're gonna go to Kai's condo." Jisoo said, firmness in her voice. She didn't wait for my reply, and started walking towards the car. She dragged me, and Rosie towards Lisa's car. She told Lisa to go to the back seat with me, while Rosie sat on the gun shot. The tension was so thick, you can cut it with the sharpest knife in the world. When we arrived at Kai's condo, Jisoo unnie instantly went outside and went in the lobby, not bothering to say sorry to the people she bumped to. We finally went inside the elevator, Jisoo pushed the 4th floor. Well, I guess that's where he lives. The elevator made a 'ding!' sound, indicating that we're at our destined floor. We went out, following the oldest. She stopped infront of a white door, and knocked loudly. I looked at her, and saw her face red. She's really angry.

"Open up the fucking door, Kai!" She shouted, the door opened, and I saw him. My girlfriend's true love.

"J-jisoo? What are you guys d-doing here?" He asked, stuttering, and panting. His lips are smudged with lipstick. Jennie's lipstick. I bit my lip, and held back a sob. She told me that her kisses are only mine, but... why?

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