✍︎ eighteen

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You we're a huge flirter, and no. You're not gonna deny that. Heads up, you never flirted with guys; the second you wave to them they develop a three year crush on you. You loved to flirt with girls, and they loved to be on the receiving end.

You we're a talented student. You can sing, dance, play various instruments, and play sports. You we're also the Captain of the Basketball, and Swimming Team.

Even though you flirted with everyone, you had your eyes on a certain brunette. She wasn't very popular at school, but you saw things in her that others didn't. You had met Jennie through her sister; Jisoo.


"Y/N, this is my younger sister, Jennie," Jisoo said as you guys leave the basketball court.

"I would've guessed you we're sisters. You're both gorgeous, but of course, I think the younger one caught my attention." You wink at Jennie, and she blushed while Jisoo slapped your arm with her purse.

You laugh, "Kidding."

"Not," you told Jennie when her sister was out of earshot.

"Pabo-yah! Palli, palli! I want my ice cream now!" Jisoo whined, and the both of us chuckled.


"Y/N," someone calls your name. You snap out of your day dreaming, and you passed the ball to Nancy. She scored just before the buzzer rang. Your teammates clapped their hands, and congratulated one another.

You congratulate them once again, and went inside the changing room. You change into the open, your well built body on display. As you took off your shirt, you notice Jennie looking at you. She was here because she's waiting for her best friend, Lisa. You turn a bit, so your abs will be visible to her.

"Take a picture, It'll last longer," you said with a wink. Jennie's face turned red, but never took her eyes off you.

"Y/N would've made the shot better." Nancy waved off the people congratulating her.

"Nah. I passed the ball to you because I know you'll do better. And there's also this saying, 'save the best for last'." You flirted smoothly. Nancy blushed, and you didn't notice the feline eyed girl slammed her bag on the bench.

"With all the flirting you do, I think you'd be dating someone right now." Nancy says.

"Well. I got my eyes on someone. She's actually in this room." You said as you made eye contact with Jennie, who is, unsurprisingly looking at you. She turned away, and you didn't see the smile forming on her face.

"Too many people on this room. I'll have to figure it our later. See you around, Y/N." Nancy said as she closed her locker. Other people did the same. You waved back at them with a smile.

You put on your shirt as you heard a voice.

"So, you like me."

"Yep." You answered her, pulling your sweater over your head.

Jennie nods thoughtfully, grabbing her bag, and slinging it over her shoulder.

"Wait! Do you like me back?" You ask when the smaller girl's hand was placed on the door knob.

"Yeah. I like you as well." She replies softly which made your heart melt.

You fumble with the sleeves of your Adidas Windbreaker, "Do you... wanna date me?"

Jennie sighs softly, "I do, but I don't. I really like you, but you flirt with everyone, Y/N. Everyone is head over heels for you. Also, I wouldn't know if you really care about me, or you want someone else, or you just wanna get into my pants. I'm just - not ready for any kind of relationship with you right now."

Before you could even open your mouth, she twisted the door knob, and went outside.

Over the next few days, you kept your flirting to the minimum. Everyone was shocked at your actions. The news of Jennie rejecting you spread around the campus like a wild fire; you didn't tell anyone the reason why, neither did the cat eyed girl. Someone must've been eavesdropping that time.

"Why did you tell them?" Jennie hissed quietly when she pulled you to the side.

"I promise you, I didn't. I would never do that." You whispered back, defending yourself.

"Hey, loser. Why did you reject Y/N?" Nancy asked as she walks up to Jennie, "Are you out of your mind? Why would you reject her? If I was in your place, I wouldn't do that."

Nancy wrapped her arms around your waist, and leans in. You instantly slid out of her embrace, "No, not today, Satan. I'm not interested."

Nancy's face twisted in anger, "Why would you choose this loser?"

"I take back what I said yesterday, Nancy. You're not pretty." You said as the crowd around you laughs. Nancy runs up to you, and you brought your fists up, but she attacked the girl beside you.

Jennie, who's taken by surprise, is knocked against the lockers as Nancy punched her, and slams her back harder on the metal. You grabbed Nancy's sweater, and pulled her off Jennie. Nancy tried to free herself from your grip, but you pin her against the locker the way she pinned Jennie.

"If you're thinking that I'm gonna kiss you, that will never happen." You whispered through gritted teeth. You slapped her hard. That's for hurting my Jennie.

"Lay a finger on her, you'll see how I fight, Nancy." You said as you watched her figure disappear through the halls.

"You've got issues!" You shouted, and the crowd laughed again. You turned your attention back to the brunette who was seated on the ground, and gently lifter her chin up so you can see her face. Your brows furrowed when you noticed a bruise forming on the top of her perfectly trimmed eyebrow.

"Come on." You said as you helped Jennie stand up, escorting her away from the other students. Once away from the halls, Jennie turned to face you, and you swore your breath hitched. Damn it, why are you so pretty?

"I'm fine. Nancy just took me by surprise." She said, waving away your concern.

"That's gonna hurt." You told her softly, concerned about the bruise Nancy caused.

"I'll be fine." She said, but you suddenly remembered that you have your own first aid kit inside your bag. You opened the zipper then grabbed a band aid, opening it, and placed it over the bruise. Jennie's heart melted on how cute you looked.


"No problem." You said, smiling softly.

"I'll walk you home. I need to make sure you're safe." You informed her, zipping your bag close.

"Y/N. I think I made a decision too fast. I thought you we're those player, but when I told you I liked you, you stopped flirting with everyone, and I appreciate that very much. I would love to d-date you." Jennie rambled in one breath, shocking you.

"R-really? You wanna date me for real now?" You asked with flushed cheeks. Jennie nodded happily. You didn't know that the both of you we're leaning in until you looked into her eyes, silently asking for permission. She smiled softly, and you captured her lips.

"No more flirting with anyone," She said as she pulled away. Her voice dripping with authority. You nodded your head frantically.

"Unless it's with me." She smirked.

You peck her lips once more, "All yours, beautiful."

"All mine. You're all mine."

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