✍︎ seventeen

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Jennie's tear-filled eyes landed on you. Everything was disoriented, and messy. Very, messy. But, you didn't care if she's looking at you. You didn't dare to look up even though you heard the door being opened earlier. Nothing seems to be important to you right now, not even her.

"What are you doing here." It wasn't a question, it sounded more like a demand. Large amount of pain emerged from your swollen knuckles; hand. It was shaking, probably because of the impact your hand made with the wall.

"Avoid carrying too heavy things, okay? Your hand needs a lot of rest."

Your doctors' word rang in your head. He also said that you shouldn't hurt yourself again in order for your hand to heal. But, it suddenly didn't matter anymore when it happened again; tonight.

It was just... Your emotions we're too much. You can't keep it inside of you. You feel like your heart is about to burst. You feel like the world was against you. You wanted nothing but happiness. You wanna feel it, but the universe has other plans. You want the longing, pain, sadness, loneliness to end. You desperately want it to end. You really do.

Jennie stiffened when she heard the tone of your voice. She can't understand where this behavior was coming from. She could still remember what happened yesterday. You, and her went on a date, and it was honestly the sweetest one. She loved the way you we're so soft towards her.

Jennie knew how distant you are to everyone, but she was the only who cracked you up effortlessly; she made you open up to her without even trying. There are times that when you smile at her, she can see the broken soul you have. Your eyes doesn't have any glint in them, your smile doesn't reach your eyes as well. Jennie was really worried for you. The cat eyed girl also know how fragile your heart is, and sensitive you are in general. Jennie knows how scared you are to take risks. The last thing she wants is for you to get hurt.

Jennie loves you; not in a friendly way. She promised herself that she will not leave you, and will wait until you're fully ready.

She slowly made her way towards you, but she made sure to keep her distance. Her heart broke when her eyes landed on your swollen hand. How badly she wanted to reach it, and caress it softly. Jennie knew that it's not right to jump infront of you, and demand you to speak. She slowly swallowed the lump in her throat as she tore away her eyes away from your hand, and looked at your disheveled, but beautiful face. Heaven knows how much Jennie adored you.

"I just wanted to know if you're alright." The smaller girl asked softly - which you chuckled to.

"Does it look like it?" You spat out, bitterness dripping in your voice.

"Y/N, jagi... You know I'm here for you, right?" Jennie rasped out, clenching her hand in order for her not to hug you.

"I told you before, Jennie. You don't need to do this." You said, still not meeting her gaze.

"Yeah, I clearly remember that." Jennie softly said as she brushed her hair behind her ear, "But, I still refuse to leave."

"I'm a mess, Jennie. A fucking mess." You replied with an underlying tone of hurt, "That's why I don't understand why you stick with me. You're wasting your time."

"I'm not wasting my time, Y/N/N." She said with a small smile on her face, "Believe it, or not. You're the mess I wanted."

You closed your eyes as you heard the words that came out of her mouth. You felt like crying. She's been there through good times, and bad. Sometimes you're waiting for the moment to come that she's given up on you, but it never came.

"Go away, Jennie." You mumbled out, but deep inside you don't want her to. "Just leave me."

You really are a mess.

"Jagiya, I'm not going anywhere."

Her voice was so soft. The amount of sweetness those words held dripped like honey. Those words held so much patience, and understanding. This urged you to look up, and when your eyes made contact with her, you saw it.


Your eyes that held hatred turned soft as if the dark world had colors, and rainbows. She was an angel in disguise, the only light you've been praying to see to guide you home.

Tears began to drop to your cheeks. You shut your eyes as your shoulder began to shake. The moment you started crying, Jennie didn't hesitate to pull you in her arms.

This is your home.

You moved your head to rest on her chest as you cried your eyes out. Jennie can't stop the tears from her eyes. This is the last thing she wanted to see; or rather not. She hated it. She doesn't want to see you dwelling in pain because you never deserve it. She closed her eyes, and hugged you tightly. She wanted to fix you; she wanted to build you. But, she know that it was only you who can fix yourself. She can be your support along the way. Jennie was ready to mend your heart, and love you without any hesitation.

"Don't ever think about pushing me away again." She whispered in your ear softly as she ran her fingers through your soft locks, "Because everytime you do it, I only want to be near you more. "

"I k-know." You managed to say through your tears, "I want y-you around." You added, "I'm sorry I'm such a mess."

"Shhh. I'm right here. I will never leave you. I'll stay." Jennie pulled away to look into your misty eyes, "Every single person on this planet has a messy situation. But, we can always clean everything up, and start again."

"Jenn... I really don't know how long you plan on doing this, but if you ever change your mind-"

The girl silenced you with a finger making contact with your lips. She looked at you while wiping her own tears.

"You really don't have an idea, don't you?" She asked with a small sad smile. You could only stare at her.

"I love you." ... "Always."

After the rain, your lips finally curved into a smile. The sincere one. You we're honestly glad she told you this.

"Will you wait for me?" You asked her. She carefully placed her hand onto your cheek, caressing it softly.

"I will, Y/N/N. I will."

You didn't say the three words back, but when you placed your lips on her delicate ones, the brunette already knows it. When you pulled away, her cheeks we're flushed, and her smile appeared. Jennie grabbed your hand, and kissed it gently.

You we're glad Jennie was there for you.

You we're glad Jennie found you.

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