Chapter 9

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My week consisted of barely anything interesting. I had learnt a little more about the school. There were three dorms around the school; Sheridan house, Langston house and our one, Ferraine house. All three houses were names after people at the school the first year it opened back in 1916, red being Ferraine, orange was Langston and green was Sheridan.

Kai and Kris had become closer and if I didn't know any better, there was good chemistry and Noah clicked with Enzo almost immediately. Alex tipped water over my head when I fell asleep on the ground while I was doing yoga, to which I printed out the cute photo of him with dribble running down his cheek while he was asleep and posted it up on the common room wall for everyone to see, to which he put super glue on the chair in my room so when I sat down on it, my shorts stuck to it, resulting in me accidentally tipping the chair and then having to clamber out of my shorts and had to fight Alex -in my underwear, might I add- simply to get another pair of pants. To say that an intense prank war had started would be a serious understatement.

On the bright side, I did a few drills with Miss Sully and I made the basketball team! So now I had training with her and the boys every Wednesday and Friday after school in the gym. She said that that's when she would announce me as the member of the team. As it turns out, Alex is on the team as well and was certainly surprised when I told him. He didn't believe that I could even play so he challenged me to a one on one and I literally knocked him on his ass. He just lay there in defeat, obviously embarrassed to be in the presence of such an amazing being.

It was finally Saturday and I wanted to drop out. Alex had woke me, and probably half of the dorm by blasting his music. I was temped to go back to the headmaster and find out why I was pared with Alex. So far, almost everyone I have spoken to about our rooming situation was surprised to hear that I was paired with someone, and a guy no less. Reds don't get pair together. Ever. And it's uncommon that oranges find themselves with a roommate either. I mean, why would I, of all people, be pared with someone like Alex? I mean sure, I'm a red but I'm not that dangerous and from what I have heard from Noah and Kris, they were concerned for my health, having being roomed with him. From what I'd seen so far throughout the week, everyone was afraid of him, and that was saying something considering some of the students here.

Sure, he was a little shit and was an asshole to everyone, but if I thought he was scary then I would have gotten a room change by now. The only problem I have with him is all the comments he makes about my ass and stuff... And that he is completely infuriating all of the time.

I open the desk drawer and pull out a container of clay mask. I go to my closet and look at my face in the mirror. I pull my hair back into a bun at the nape of my neck and begin to lather the mask onto my face.

"Wait, so Enzo told you-" He pauses and looks at me. "What's all that shit on your face?" He furrows his eyebrows. I chuckle and hold up the pottle for him to see. "It's clay. Come here." I smirk, gesturing to my bed. He gets up and walks slowly. He skeptically sits down on my bed, his eyes never leaving me. I glance around my side of the room in search of a headband and sigh in disappointment. I pull a hairband off my wrist and step forward. He grabs my wrists and brings them down, away from his hair.

 "What are you going to do to me?" He asks, rubbing small circles on the inside of my wrist with his thumb. "I'm gonna make you pretty." I smirk, freeing my arms and proceeding to tie his hair into a cute little pony tail at the top of his head.

"Oh my... You look like boo!" I shout with a laugh, grabbing my phone and snapping a quick photo. "What the fuck is a boo?" He growls, trying to pry his hair out before I stop him. "Have you not seen 'Monsters Inc.'?" I ask slowly, my jaw dropping. "No?" He says, more as a question.

I shake my head. "You have no life I swear." I roll my eyes. I will have to add that to the list of brilliant movies Alex Miller has never watched. I guess this is an excuse for a movie marathon this weekend.

I move to readjust his hair after he wrecked it but he leans back a little bit. I just step forward and grab his head, holding it still, leaving me standing in between his legs. His hands immediately move to my thighs holding me there. I sigh. "Alex-" He cuts me off before I could scream at him. "Hey, you are the one who wants to oh-so-desperately put this shit on my face," he mutters with his signature smirk sprawled across his perfect face. I just roll my eyes and choose to ignore him.

I begin to apply the clay mask over his cheeks. To say that this process was one of the most difficult experiences that I have ever endured would be the nice way to put it. First, Alex was complaining that it was cold, then it was that it felt like I was rubbing literally shit on his face, then he kept wriggling around and the was wining that it was tightening and he couldn't move his cheeks and wouldn't stop making dirty remarks the whole time. I had to repress the need to say 'fuck it' and rub the mask in his eyes.

By the time we had finished, I had clay all over my hands and arms and there were patches on his neck and shirtless torso. I go to step away from him but his grip remains tight on my thighs. Suddenly, he shuffles further back onto my bed and pulls me towards him. My knees buckle against the bed and I fall awkwardly down onto his lap. I immediately try to scramble off him but he stops me. "How did you know that he killed his own men?" Alex asks, smirk gone and a serious frown taking its place. I pause for a second. "What?" I ask slowly.

"Ace. How do you know that they were his men?" He asks again. I tilt my head slightly, trying to determine what the look in his eyes was. "Why?" I ask skeptically. Okay, I know he is probably just curious or something but what can I say? I have trust issues!

He shrugs and glances down at my pillows. "Just curious," he mutters. Was he lying? It looked like he was lying... I try to think back to all my psychology classes. When people lie, they tend to look down, or not make eye contact. He was tapping my thigh with his index finger... Then again, Alex was in all of my psychology classes. Either way, he seemed nervous. 

I gently grab his clay-covered face, pulling it up so that he was looking at me. "Why?" I ask again. hoping that he would give me a better answer.

He holds my gaze. It looked like he was battling with himself on whether or not to say whatever he was going to say next. He pinches his eyes shut and when they opened, the look was gone. His eyes were dull and the smirk was back on his face. "I'm no genius, but I think we are supposed to take these masks off now," he lulls, one of his hands moving to my waist, the other remaining tight on my thigh. I snap back to my normal self and realize that I was still sitting on his lap. Before I had a chance to move, the door flew open.

"Oh fuck... Am I interrupting something here?"

• • •

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